The Mlti-Level-Tracking code Download, described in Solar Physics 201, p. 201 (2001) and 243, p.121 (2007):
MLT description
(Here: high resolution version of description)

Publications with this code:
1.) A New Algorithm for Pattern Recognition and its Application to Granulation and Limb Faculae; Sol.Pys. 201, p.13 (2001)
2.) Dynamics of the solar active region finestructure; A+A 412, p.249 (203)
3.) Brightness and size of small-scale solar magnetic flux concentrations; A+A 422, p.63 (2004)
4.) Multiple-Scale Pattern Recognition Applied to Faint Intergranular G-band Structures; Sol.Phys. 243, p.121 (2007)
5.) The quiet Sun's magnetic flux estimated from Ca II H bright inter-granular G-band structures; A+A 488, p.1101 (2008)
6. The Area Coverage of Small-scale Solar Magnetic Structures in a Quiet Region; Hvar colloqu. CEAB 33, p.19 (2009)

Publications by E. Wiehr