Sparse Solver
Intel® MKL provides a user-callable direct sparse solver subroutine to solve symmetric and
symmetricly-structured matrices with real or complex coefficients. For sparse symmetric matrices,
this solver can solve both positive definite and indefinite systems.
calculates the solution of a set of sparse linear equations with multiple right-hand sides. The Intel MKL supports an alternative interface for the direct sparse solver referred to as Direct Sparse Solver (DSS) interface:
initializes the solver.
communicates to the solver locations of
computes permutation vector that minimizes the fill-in during the factorization phase.
dss_factor_real / dss_factor_complex
compute the factorization of the matrix with previously specified location.
dss_solve_real / dss_solve_complex
compute the corresponding solutions vector and place it in the output array.
deletes all of data structures created during the solutions process.
returns statistics about various phases of the solving process.
passes character strings from Fortran routines to C routines.
call pardiso(pt, maxfct, mnum, mtype, phase, n, a, ia, ja, perm, nrhs, iparm, msglvl, b, x, error)
pardiso(pt, &maxfct, &mnum, &mtype, &phase, &n, a, ia, ja, perm, &nrhs, iparm, &msglvl, b, x, &error);
dss_create(handle, opt)
number of non-zero elements in matrix of size nRows
by nCols
dss_define_structure(handle, opt, rowIndex, nRows, nCols, columns, nNonZeros)
dss_reorder(handle, opt, perm)
dss_factor_real(handle, opt, rValues)
dss_factor_complex(handle, opt, cValues)
dss_solve_real(handle, opt, rRhsValues, nRhs, rSolValues)
dss_solve_complex(handle, opt, cRhsValues, nRhs, cSolValues)
dss_delete(handle, opt)
dss_statistics(handle, opt, statArr, retValues)
mkl_cvt_to_null_terminated_str(destStr, destLen, srcStr)
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