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Please read this first! -- Background information concerning Ashtar & Ashtar Command Introductory statement from the "Ministry of Universal Wisdom", the Official organization of George Van Tassel, founded 1952 (homepage). "Our organization is in no way correlated with Ashtar Command or their personality of their Ashtar. "Ashtar Command" was started by a man named Robert Short (or also known as Bill Rose), an Editor of a 1950s UFO magazine - "Interplanetary News" and at one time friend of George Van Tassel. Mr. Short felt Ashtar's communications (through Van Tassel) should become commercial and mainstream, in order for personal notoriety, not for a truth to the public. Due to Mr. Short's difference of opinion to Van Tassel, their friendship parted on bad terms. Mr. Short soon there after began Ashtar Command. Mr. Short was not in contact with the original Ashtar, and George Van Tassel was never apart of Mr. Shortís organization. Ashtar's personality is a distinct authority, who communicated with Van for specific messages, this was most graphically displayed in the message from Ashtar, through Van Tassel to the U.S. Government. Ashtar is not a metaphysical philosopher or rambler. George Van Tassel's organization is in no correlation with Ashtar Command & advises persons to be extremely discerning. The approach of Love is on to be aware, but there is more needed to grow as a person and advance in intelligence. Giving yourself and your intelligence up to love or Light Beings, causes passive thinking and retardation of personality. Science and spirituality are one, not a divided subject. The Ashtar of Ashtar Command is a real personality, this personality is a clone of the original Ashtar. You CANNOT "channel" space intelligence. This does not mean the assistance of space intelligence is only limited in specific individuals, people who deem themselves "chosen" or the "spiritual elite". We will not define the method of communication of Ashtar through Van, as will not give a correction to the lie Ashtar Command has created." |
August 3, 1952
In the light of universal law, I greet you in peace, I am Ashtar. With reference to all attempts to trap us, I would suggest that it
would be much easier to trap a character off the visor of your television. When
your authorities discover how to trap light substance, we would also like to
know the formula. We ignore any further discussion of this subject. Our efforts
are in the cause of peace, true peace. many of your higher authorities
throughout the nations of the planet Shan have lost all comprehension of the
word, peace, for they are under the influence of the forces of darkness. The
first thought that enters the minds of those in this darkness is not to find
out what the other object of our visitation is, but rather to destroy us, to
find out what we are made of. We can assure you that all their efforts, made
with the objects of destruction, will avail them naught. Those individuals
assigned with mortal beings in the higher light on the planet Shan, at will. We
are not desirous of staging a show but I will inform you that if opposition
forces, mortal or otherwise, persist in their efforts we can put 100,000 units
a second in operation. They will be financially embarrassed to produce
mechanical aircraft at that rate. For those few whose mentality is not
diverted, men of science, I shall inform you that our ships could not be
visible to the mortal eye of the people of Shan were it not for the elements in
your atmosphere. A few enlightened minds will understand that. It is difficult
to make one reason who has lost all reason. It is difficult for any mortal to
conceive of higher intelligence in various stages, they have been away from it
so long. I would also inform your government of this nation that the
information that was mailed to the Intelligence, was transmitted to foreign
nations out of their own office. In the light of a peace beyond the
comprehension of mortal beings, we shall remain with you, I am Ashtar,
commandant, station Schare.
August 15, 1952
Greetings, thou beings of Shan. In the light of love and
peace I come to you. Commandant of the station Schare. I am Ashtar, having
returned to the station Schare from the center, I advance to your scientists
the following information. We have told you that the element hydrogen, is a
living substance. In the composition of your physical being, in the air you
breathe, in the water you drink are 5 elements of living substances besides
hydrogen. The elements nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, fluorine and sodium. Much of
your material science has been directed to disproving theory, that does not
conform to the personal beliefs of some scientific authority. Among the
scientific materials of this planet, Shan, are many minor scientists, who do
not have the authority to change these opinions that have been disproved. We
have advanced you information, in the faint hope, that some of your
governmental authorities would grasp the fact, that with the explosion of
living substance, they create a condition parallel, to what your scientists
call frozen equilibrium. This release of free hydrogen into the atmosphere of
this planet, will cause flames to engulf many portions of this planet
momentarily. Those in authority, in the governments, are assuming direct
responsibility, not only for the people inhabiting this planet, but their own
immediate families, wives, children, parents and relatives are also their
responsibility, for these dear ones shall not escape. you in authority, of the
governments of the planet Shan, think twice if you would have your loved ones
with you. Consult your physicists, ask them about the parallel condition of
frozen equilibrium. They will inform you, if they speak the truth and are not
influenced otherwise, by the forces of darkness, that this is truth. Wake up,
you who would believe only those who direct you. Stand before the people. Tell
those who influence your mental decisions, that they too are involved. In the
light of love, I transmit you a continuous beam here, through a ventla which
has been stationed in this cone of receptivity at a level 72,000 miles above
you, beyond reach of any traps. I shall return, my love, I am Ashtar
August 24, 1952
I am Ashtar, in the process of attempting to straighten
out numerous conditions that affect this planet Shan, we are going to give you
certain information in the future, that will weld together the two great
sciences of your people. I refer to all branches of material science and to
religion. These two are one in truth, separated only be a gap that we shall
give you they key to close. In the quadra sector Blaau, man on the planet Shan
will have no further use for the misconception, that he is faced with in the
form of religion, for science of truth seen and unseen is the basis of
religion, not ancient scriptures, misinterpreted, mistranslated and
misconstrued by those who deliver lectures, but based on the true science of
life in all phases. Organized scientists are beginning now to explore these
realms of the unseen. My love I am Ashtar
January 23, 1953
I am Ashar, commandant Vela Quadra sector, station Schare.
As we informed you, our center has authorized 3 sub-station within the vortices
of your planet Shan. Each of these stations now are in a position to release
five hundred thousand ventalas each. Our center instructs me to inform you that
you are once again about to see the use of atomic weapons in warfare. I am
further requested to extend our gratitude to you for maintaining this contact
vibration. In the Light of true Love and peace, I am Ashtar.
Feb 13, 1953
Hail in love and peace. I am Ashtar, Commandant Vela
Quadra sector, station Schare. You have just heard the authority granted by
Schonling Lord God of the 3rd dimensional sector, for our authority to take
corrective measures. We are crating a Light energy vortices near the planet
Shan in an effort to stabilize your planet. This effort requires the combined
forces of 86 projections, 9100 waves, of 236,000 ventlas. Needless to say this
vortices is going to create extensive damage to counteract the unbalance man
has created on Shan. Our center extends to your their love and blessings. My
Light, I am Ashtar.
Feb 27, 1953
Greetings in love and peace, I am Ashtar, Vela Quadra
sector, station Schare, Commandant. We wish to instruct you to prepare for
violent disturbance of Shan. We are having our first indications of success in
arresting the attitude of Shan. My Love, I am Ashtar
March 6, 1953
Greetings in the Light of love and peace, I am Ashtar,
Commandant, Vela Quadra sector, station Schare. Our survey of the solar system
of Salon indicates that the other planets of this system have not been effected
by the actions of the people of the planet Shan. You will continue to witness
very unusual weather conditions. Many of the ventlas from the sub-stations
established near your planet will become very active in your atmosphere in your
months of April to September. I am asked to advance gratitude and
congratulations through to you from our center. My Light and my love, Ashtar.
March 13, 1953
Hail in love and peace, O beings of Shan, I am Ashar,
Commandant Vela Quadra sector, Station Schare. Our center requests that I
extend to you their grateful appreciation for maintaining this contact center.
Our 3 sub-stations, located around your planet, are instructed to take an
active part in occurrences of violence that are about to occur on your planet.
Verification of another of our pre-warnings will occur within your next 30
days. My Love, Ashtar
March 20, 1953
In love and peace, I am Ashtar. I extend through to you
from our center the love and blessings for the service you have extended in
maintaining this contact. I am authorized to inform you, we are in constant
communication with our people, we have in your national capitol. You will be
hearing of an increase of phenomena resulting in many hallucinations by your
people, so called. We have been in your immediate vicinity. I repeat. Do not be
alarmed by unusual occurrences around you. We are now over Mississippi River
and now we arrive over your city of San Francisco. It is not our purpose to
bring you continual reports of destruction ahead. Man has created his own
destructive rotational Shan is in a terrible state. From our center we have
activated 3 and half million primary units around this planet. Our plans are
taking shape. Be prepared for anything. My love, I am Ashtar
Further information can be obtained through the Website of the "Ministry of Universal Wisdom"; see esp. here on "Ashtar".