Link Section: »UFO & Religion« Links provided by Andreas Grünschloß (Mainz)
for the Marburg Journal of Religion ©11/1998
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Revised Version
Back to: MJR Articles | MJR HomepageNote. - The links and search-forms used below have been checked for their correct working before they were posted on this page. After a certain amount of time, however, some of them might expire or prove to be out of order, since the Internet is a very short-living medium. -- More recent informations from my side will probably be accessible at my homepage. Anmerkung. - Die folgenden Hyperlinks und Suchformulare sind vor ihrer Veröffentlichung auf korrekte Funktion getestet worden. Nach einiger Zeit kann es allerdings vorkommen, daß sich manche davon nicht mehr korrekt ansprechen lassen, denn das Internet ist ein sehr kurzlebiges Medium. -- Einige weiterführende Informationen werden voraussichtlich unter meiner Homepage zu finden sein. Contents
Links to groups covered in my article Other links from the context of my article Preconfigured search for UFO & Religion Free search with Internet search-engines Other UFO-links on the Internet (selection) Special focus: Heaven's Gate Inhalt
Verweise auf Gruppen in meinem Aufsatz Weitere Links aus dem Kontext meines Aufsatzes Vorkonfigurierte Suchstation (UFO & Religion) Freie Suche mit www-Suchmaschinen Sonstige UFO-Links im Internet (Auswahl) Spezialthema: Heaven's Gate
Links to UFO groups covered in my article
Internetadressen von Gruppen aus meinem Aufsatz
Planetary Activation Organization
Note:I got the permission to put some of the "old" files from the former Ground Crew Project on my homepage at the University of Mainz (especially files with the description the apocalyptic "mass landings" and "evacuation" scenario).
Heaven's Gate - How and When It May Be Entered
Heaven's Gate - How and When It May Be Entered
Heaven's Gate - How and When It May Be Entered
Higher Source - Web Site Design And Programming
Enter: The Andromeda Group -- Discovering Earth's Galactic Heritage -- or direct access to the: contents
- Search internationally with Web Crawler for up-to-date sites concerning:
- Suchen Sie mit Fireball nach aktuellen deutschen Internet-Seiten für:
Other UFO-Links -- relating to issues covered in my article
Andere Links -- aus dem unmittelbaren Kontext meines Aufsatzes
Aufstieg / Ashtar / etc. ("")
FreeMind - Durchsage von Ashtar Sheran
GaiaMind (currently out of order)
GaiaMind (currently out of order)
G E O M A N (currently out of order)
UFO'S & RELIGION / Einstieg über NL (mirror) -- Spiritual Consciousness on WWW -- Spiritual Consciousness on WWW -- Access from Europe (mirror)
"Beam me up" -- von F.Rötzer (Artikel über Heaven's Gate)
Enter: Andromeda / Discovering Earth's Galactic Heritage -- or directly: contents
Find the most recent sites by using the following preconfigured search stations (choose a search term from menu entries):
Home: Web Crawler
Finden Sie die neuesten Internet-Adressen mit folgenden vorkonfigurierten Suchformularen (Wählen Sie irgendeinen Eintrag aus dem Menü):
Ausgabe: Home: Fireball
You can also conduct your personal search with free choice of search terms and different combinations thereof:
Home: Web Crawler
Suchen Sie selbst mit frei wählbaren Suchbegriffen und ihren unterschiedlichen Kombinationen:
Ausgabe: Home: Fireball
Other UFO-links on the Internet (selection) -- Check for relevant sites
Sonstige UFO-Links im Internet (Auswahl) -- Versuchen Sie es hier
- Das UFO-WWW (
- Welcome to the World of Sovereign Light
- Arton New Age Booklist
- I AM America Home Page
- UFO'S & RELIGION / Enter here for a Variety of Links
- A.A.S. Forschungsgesellschaft für Archäologie, Astronautik und SETI-HomePage
- A.A.S.: Erich von Daeniken
- AAS RA - Archaeology, Astronautics and SETI Research Association-HomePage
- Ufologie / Deutsche Homepage mit UFO-Links
- Kopp-Verlag (
- New Age Web Works
- UFO Resources
- UFO's / And Other Related Material
- Yahoo! - Search directly for a list of various entries on "UFO"
- Yahoo! - Society and Culture / Religion ... New Age
- Yahoo! Society and Culture / Religion and Spirituality
- Yahoo! - Science/Alternative/Paranormal_Phenomena/Extraterrestrial_Life
- Yahoo! (D) - Grenzwissenschaften / Ausserirdisches / UFOs
- CSETI - The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (a)
- CSETI - The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (b)
- UFOs, Aliens, SETI
- (homepage)
- (mirror in Europe)
- Cascading Light Through Portals - Lord Sananda and Commander Ashtar
- Ashtar (Landing Update)
- Masters, Extraterrestrials and Archangels
- Channelings and Higher Realms
- Freie Zone e.V. Home Page (Unabhängige Scientologen)
- Bernd von Wittenburg: Schach der Erde (Inhaltsverzeichnis)
- Schach der Erde - Kapitel II: Inhalt
- Chronologie: Einflussnahme auf die Menschheitsentwicklung - VI
- Ken's UFO Page
- FreeMind - Durchsage von Ashtar Sheran
- Link Station XOlO #1: Aliens, Abduction, Implants, Contact
- ETADO - The Extraterrestrial Anti-Defamation Organization - World Wide Response
- Link Station X010: Spirit, Mind, GAIA: Global Consciousness Evolution, Millennium
- Adamski Foundation Home Page
- Mediale Durchsagen * Prophezeiungen * Esoterik * Prophecies * Prophéties * Profecías
- Lichtpunkt [Channelings zur Lichtarbeit]
- The Contact Project - Home Page
- Welcome to the Communion Homepage
- Ashtar Sheran (currently out of order) -- jetzt hier wieder zugänglich (mirror)!
- Startseite UFO-Treff (currently out of order)
Special Focus: "Heaven's Gate" (Articles, News, Cover Stories)
- Heaven's Gate : Cult Suicide in San Diego
- "Beam me up" -- von F.Rötzer
- "Heaven's Gate" -- von Georg Otto Schmid ( (1997)
- Higher Source / Heaven's Gate (Religio)
- Washington Post -- Cult Suicide Special Report
- The Life and Death of a Cult (frames)
- Overview
- 1972-76: The Birth of a Cult
- 1976-92: In Seclusion
- 1992-96: Back in the Spotlight
- 1996-97: The Hale-Bopp Link
- 1997: The Suicide
- TIME 4/7/97 -- Cover Story: "Heaven's Gate" (Contents)
- E.Gleick: "The Marker we've been ... waiting for"
- J.Wambaugh: "Meanwhile, back at the Ranch"
- H.Chua-Eoan: "Imprisoned by his own Passions"
- "With Bo and Peep, a Chore every 12 Beeps
- R.Corliss: "A Star Trek into the X-Files"
- R.Lacayo: "The Lure of the Cult"
- J.Quittner: "Life and Death on the Web"
Additional Information:
- Re: Time Cover Story - Part 1
- Re: Time Cover Story - Part 2
- Re: Time Cover Story - Part 3
- Re: Time Cover Story - Part 4
- CNN -- Day-by-Day News Report on the Suicide
- Index of /US/9703/
- CNN - 39 men die in mass suicide near San Diego - Mar. 26, 1997
- CNN - Bodies found in California mansion after mass suicide - Mar. 26, 1997
- CNN - Mass suicide involved sedatives, vodka and careful planning - Mar. 27, 1997
- C NN - Associate of group member says deaths linked to UFO, Hale-Bopp - Mar. 27, 1997
- CNN - Mass suicides in recent years - March 27, 1997
- CNN - Coroners search for answers to mass suicide - March 27, 1997
- CNN - Group designed Web sites, worked as contract programmers - Mar. 27, 1997
- CNN - 'The end of the age is upon us' - March 28, 1997
- CNN - List of the deceased Heaven's Gate members - Mar. 28, 1997
- CNN - Web sites swamped amid rush for clues to suicides - March 28, 1997
- CNN - Some members of suicide cult castrated - Mar. 28, 1997
- CNN - First autopsies completed in cult suicide - Mar. 28, 1997
- CNN - Former cultist: talk of leaving Earth became more frequent - Mar. 28, 1997
- CNN - Applewhite: From young overachiever to cult leader - Mar. 28, 1997
- Index of /US/9704/
(...) with further entries in this month
This list is far from being complete -- but I hope it is helpful!
Copyright © Andreas Grünschloß 1998 (e-mail) | (home)
First published in Marburg Journal of Religion
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