Getting started


Getting started

In this tutorial we are processing PAR-CLIP data of the Nrd1 protein in S. cerevisiae. For more information on the biological role of Nrd1 and the PAR-CLIP experiment, please refer to [SSK+13].

Please follow this link and download mockinbird_tutorial_nomock.tar.gz which contains all data required for completing this tutorial.

Running the preprocessing

Having installed and loaded the mockinbird enviroment according to the installation guide, use cd to navigate into the tutorial directory from the shell. First we run the preprocessing pipeline to obtain predicted binding sites at single nucleotide resolution:

mockinbird preprocess nrd1.fastq nrd1 nrd1 preprocess.yaml

Running the full pipeline will take some time. The current status will be logged to the shell.

Inspecting the results

Once the pipeline finished successfully, it is time to inspect the results.

Checking reads and mapping

The number of generated files may be daunting at first. Following route can be used to obtain a first impression of the data.

First have a look at the mapping output, which is printed to stdout and can also be found in preprocess.log

# reads processed: 20442544
# reads with at least one reported alignment: 1273512 (6.23%)
# reads that failed to align: 17229731 (84.28%)
# reads with alignments suppressed due to -m: 1939301 (9.49%)
Reported 1273512 alignments to 1 output stream(s)

A sufficient number of mapped reads is crucial for predicting high confidence binding sites.

Now check transition_frequencies_nuc_mutations.pdf and verify that the characteristic PAR-CLIP mutation (T->C for 4sU) is the dominant transition:

transition frequency plot

Fig. 1 Transition frequencies

Frequencies of the individual transitions. The PAR-CLIP specific mutation (here T->C) dominates all other mutations.

The FastQC reports in fastQC_raw and fastQC_clipped can be consulted to obtain a general overview over the quality of the sequencing library. It is adviced to pay special attention to the read quality and the overrepresented sequences.

A quick glance at clipped_len_distr.pdf will give an overview over the size distribution of the RNA inserts. The optimal size distribution depends on the the genome size. For yeast we will only map reads of size 20 nt and longer. Here, more than 80% of the clipped reads are eligible for mapping.

size distribution

Fig. 2 Insert size distribution

Cumulative size distribution of RNA inserts.
Checking transition profiles

BamPPModule creates a bam_analysis folder with several diagnostic plots that give a more detailed overview over the transition properties in reads.

BamPPModule also allows to manipulate and filter aligned reads. All diagnostic plots are created twice. The plots before filtering can be found in the subfolder pre_fil_data. Plots after filtering are stored in post_fil_data.

First browse through the transition profiles after filtering. The PAR-CLIP specific mutation should dominate all other transitions and be roughly uniformly distributed over all positions. Spikes at specific positions hint towards mismapping and/or abundance of PCR duplicates. The ratio of specific to unspecific mutations will drop towards the ends of the reads due to (adapter) contamination. You may want to drop mutations at the edges. Please refer to the documentation of BamPPModule for how this can be done.

Transition profiles will degenerate for shorter read lengths. Increasing the minimum length of accepted alignments will therefore increase the signal to noise ratio.

transition profile for reads of length 45 bp

Fig. 3 Transition profile for alignments of length 45 bp

The PAR-CLIP specific T->C mutation dominates all other mutations and is reasonably smooth. Watch out for spikes in the curves as they are indicators of unwanted PCR duplication and mismapping. If the specific T->C mutation rate drops at the ends you can clip mutations at the edges.
Additional aspects

The bam_analysis folder contains several other plots that help chosing suitable pipeline configuration options:

  • mismatch_profiles: the total mutation frequency profiles per position
  • length_transition_plot.pdf: the PAR-CLIP specific mutation frequency for different alignment sizes
  • quality_transition_plot.pdf: the PAR-CLIP specific mutation frequency for different quality scores
  • mapped_lengths.pdf: the length frequencies of aligned reads

The configuration file

The pipeline configuration of the preprocessing run can be found in preprocess.yaml.

In the following the preprocessing file for the tutorial is explained in more depth:

{% set data_dir = "data" %}

{% set genome_fasta = data_dir + "/genome.fa" %}
{% set mock_pileup = data_dir + "/mock.mpileup" %}
{% set mock_statistics = data_dir + "/mock_stat.json" %}
{% set norm_pileup = data_dir + "/normalization.mpileup" %}
{% set bowtie_index = data_dir + "/bowtie_index/genome" %}

# setting mock_processing to True will only process the mock. Setting to `False` will run the full
# pipeline
{% set mock_processing = False %}

The first block uses jinja syntax to define a set of variables. Path can be defined absolutely, or relative to the directory that contains the config file preprocess.yaml.

    genomefasta: {{ genome_fasta }}
    normalization_pileup: {{ norm_pileup }}
    rmTemp: yes
    n_threads: 4

    bc_5prime: 5
    bc_3prime: 0
    min_len: 20
    reference_nucleotide: T
    mutation_nucleotide: C

The second block defines general and read-specific configuration. Here you can define the minimum read length, presence and size of UMIs, sequencing adapter sequences and more.For a detailed description of all available settings please refer to the section on Preprocessing configuration.

The next parts define the preprocessing pipeline as a list of modules.

    - FastQCModule:
        outdir_name: fastQC_raw

    - UmiToolsExtractModule

    - SkewerAdapterClippingModule

    - ClippyAdapterClippingModule:
        clipped_5prime_bc: True

    - FastQCModule:
        outdir_name: fastQC_clipped

The tutorial pipeline performs following steps before mapping:

  • a report of the quality of the raw reads is generated using FastQC
  • umi_tools removes the five random nucleotides from the 5’ end of the reads
  • skewer clips the 3’ sequencing adapter
  • clippy clips 5’ adapters and drops adapter dimers
  • finally a second FastQC report is generated to check the clipping results
- BowtieMapModule:
    genome_index: {{ bowtie_index }}

- BamPPModule:
    remove_n_edge_mut: 2
    max_mut_per_read: 1
    min_mismatch_quality: 20

- SortIndexModule:
   keep_all: yes

- UmiToolsDedupModule

- SortIndexModule:
   keep_all: yes

- PileupModule:
   keep_all: yes

- BamStatisticsModule

The second set of modules

  • maps the clipped reads with bowtie
  • postprocesses the obtained alignments and plots transitions statistics
  • removes PCR duplicates
  • calculates an mpileup file
  • calculates bam statistics

If mock_processing is set to True, the pipeline ends here, as the mpileup file and the bam statistics of the mock are required for the prediction modules.

When processing a factor of interest, the following modules run the mock-based prediction:

{% if not mock_processing %}

    - PredictionSitesModule:
        sites_file: {{ data_dir }}/genome.sites
        fasta_file: {{ genome_fasta }}
        transition_nucleotide: T

    - MockTableModule:
        mock_table: {{ data_dir }}/mock.table
        mock_pileup: {{ mock_pileup }}

    - TransitionTableModule

    - LearnMockModule:
        mock_model: mock_model/model.pkl
        mock_statistics: {{ mock_statistics }}
        n_mixture_components: 5
        em_iterations: 250

    - MockinbirdModule

    - NormalizationModule
    - QuantileCapModule
{% endif %}

The last steps calculate an occupancy by dividing the number of transitions by the coverage of an RNAseq experiment conducted under PAR-CLIP conditions and cap the occupancy values at the 0.95 quantile.

The final output is a .table file. We will create plots from it in section Running the postprocessing.

Running the postprocessing

The postprocessing can be started from the tutorial directory by

mockinbird postprocess nrd1 nrd1_pp postprocess.yaml

in a standard installation, or

docker run -v $PWD:/data soedinglab/mockinbird postprocess nrd1 nrd1_pp postprocess.yaml

in case you are using the docker container.

The output of the preprocessing phase is a PAR-CLIP table file, here nrd1_capped.table. Each line lists one predicted PAR-CLIP binding site, along with the number of PAR-CLIP transitions, the read coverage, a confidence and an occupancy score and the estimated posterior probability:

seqid   position        transitions     coverage        score   strand  occupancy       posterior
chrI    32601   4       4       6.352710158543762       -       0.15384615384615385     0.772109761967
chrI    35562   4       5       5.292152965717071       +       0.0223463687150838      0.539841709238
chrI    35805   5       5       9.376254703871467       +       0.03184713375796178     0.98585024515

The postprocessing pipeline allows to do general purpose downstream analyses:

Meta-gene plot

Meta gene plots visualize the PAR-CLIP signal over the body of aligned annotations (meta-genes).

_centerplot_bs creates a metagene plot that is aligned at the start and end of the annotation.

meta-gene plot

Fig. 4 Meta-gene plot of the PAR-CLIP occupancies.

TIF-seq annoations are aligned at the start and end. The sense strand is depicted in blue, the antisense strand is colored in green. The shaded area covers 95% bootstrap confidence intervals.

In this example we align TIF-seq gene annotation [PWS13]. 95% confidence intervals calculated by bootstrap sampling the annotations are shaded.

The configuration file

postprocess.yaml contains the configuration of the postprocessing pipeline used for the tutorial.

In the beginning several jinja variables are defined for later use.

{% set data_dir = "data" %}

{% set gff_db = data_dir + "/Annotations" %}
{% set genome_file = data_dir + "/genome.fa" %}
{% set full_annotation = gff_db + "/R64-2-1_genes.gff" %}
{% set filter_gff = full_annotation %}
{% set negative_set_gff = full_annotation %}
{% set intron_gff = gff_db + "/R64-2-1_introns.gff" %}

{% set bootstrap_iter = 1000 %}
{% set n_processes = 6 %}

The first module removes PAR-CLIP sites falling into tRNA, snRNA, snoRNA and rRNA from the table file.


    - GffFilterModule:
        filter_gff: {{ filter_gff }}
        padding_bp: 10
            - tRNA_gene
            - snRNA_gene
            - snoRNA_gene
            - rRNA_gene
        file_postfix: filtered
        keep_all: yes

Training your own mock model

In this tutorial we shipped our trained mock model. If you are applying mockinbird to your own data, you may want to include your own mock experiment.

For more information on measuring a mock experiment, please refer to TODO.

Training your own mock model with your own mock PAR-CLIP fastq file takes following steps:

  1. Set the mock_processing jinja variable in preprocess.yaml to True. This will stop the pipeline after having created the mock mpileup file and the bam statistics.
  2. Run the preprocessing pipeline with the mock fasta file.
  3. Set the mock_pileup and mock_statistics variables to the calculated mock files.
  4. Go into the data directory and delete mock.table, and all files in the mock_model subdirectory.
  5. Set mock_processing back to False.

The next time you run the pipeline mock.table and the model itself will be recreated from the new data.

Pipeline configuration

The preprocessing and the postprocessing are each controlled by a config file in the easily readable yaml format. The template engine jinja is used to allow complex and flexible work flows.

At the heart of the configuration is the pipeline section which defines the Pipeline, that is the sequence of modules that are to be executed.

A very simple example pipeline definition is

   - BowtieMapModule:
       genome_index: bowtie_index/genome
   - PileupModule

which would call the bowtie mapper with the bowtie index prefix bowtie_index/genome relative to the config file and then uses the PileupModule to finally output a file in the mpileup format.

Every module is enumerated by a leading dash and can be configured individually. Output of modules are chained and are used as inputs of the following modules. The pipeline tracks the most recent file of each file format. A module requiring a fastq file will therefore always use the fastq created by the most recent module that outputs a fastq file.

Preprocessing configuration

In addition to the pipeline section, the preprocessing config file also contains the two configuration sections general and reads which provide global configuration options accessible to all modules.

Options of the general section:

Parameter Default value Description
adapter5prime   Sequence of the 5’ sequencing adapter
adapter3prime   Sequence of the 3’ sequencing adapter
genomefasta   Path to organism’s genome fasta file. Fasta file has to have a fasta index (.fai) file
normalization_pileup   pileup file with normalization sequences. No normalization will be done if the file is empty.
rmTemp True remove temporary files
n_threads 2 number of parallel threads that should be run (if supported)

Options of the reads section:

Parameter Default value Description
bc_5prime 0 length of the 5’ barcode
bc_3prime 0 length of the 3’ barcode
min_length 20 minimum length of alignments
reference_nucleotide T nucleotide expected in reference for the PAR-CLIP specific conversion
mutation_nucleotide C nucleotide observed for the PAR-CLIP specific conversion

Postprocessing configuration

The postprocessing config file contains only the pipeline section. The pipeline starts initially with the path to a table file.

Expert knowledge

jinja templating

You can use the powerful jinja template engine to define variables and manipulate variables and use control flow statements like conditional clauses and loops.

A simple example that uses a variables:

{% set database = "/path/to/local/database" %}
{% set genome_fasta = database + "/genome.fa" %}

  - MyGenomeModule:
      genome: {{ genome_fasta }}

For a indepth explanation of jinja, please refer to the official documentation.

Setting initial files

Some modules require input files and thus rely on modules creating these files as output. The pipeline starts with initial formats, that is fastq for the preprocessing pipeline and table for the postprocessing pipeline.

In the custom_files section it is possible to register additional initial files with their formats:

  bam: /path/to/file.bam
  mpileup: /path/to/file.mpileup