##general header## This ftp site provides access to data for a project to compare introgression patterns in hosue mouse (mm10), rat (rn6) and human (hg19) processed at the Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Ploen (http://www.evolbio.mpg.de/), Department of Evolutionary Genetics (Diethard Tautz). The method details how the files were generated can be found at: https://gitlab.gwdg.de/evolgen/mm10_rn6_hg19_introgression. ##specific information for directory /mm10_rn6_hg19## The files are organized in sub-directories according to species: house mouse (mm10), rat (rn6) human (hg19) and one folder containing neutral simulations (neutral_simulations). For example, all data associated with house mouse are in the directory "./mm10_rn6_hg19/mm10/". The contents of further sub-directories within the species directories (mm10, rn6 and hg19) are: bam: bam files for each individual plus corresponding index file (.bai) dK80: dK80 statistics fasta: population CONSENSUS FASTA and INDIVIDUAL IUPAC FASTA files gem_mappability: mappability tracks simulations: trees: whole-genome sliding window neighbor-joining trees based on the CONSENSUS (pop) and INDIVIDUAL (ind) FASTA files xStats: distance statistics for the CONSENSUS (pop) and INDIVIDUAL (ind) FASTA files The contents of further sub-directories within the neutral_simulations (neutral_simulations) are: 4Nr0.001: 4Nr0.01: 4Nr0.1: further subdirectories have their own readme files - Kristian Ullrich - 03-07-2018 - ullrich@evolbio.mpg.de