##This folder contains the SNP variants: (1) Main_JointGenotyping_filtered_snps_PASS_Nomissing_Biallelic_Linear_Chr.recode.vcf.gz: called from Illumina RNA-Seq data of 48 mice individuals reared under lab condition; The SNP data called from the Genomic sequencing dataset (same populations, but different individuals) can be found: https://wwwuser.gwdg.de/~evolbio/evolgen/wildmouse/mouse_retroCNV/ #### The filtered SNP datasets with Filters applied: #a) Hard filtering of low quality variants: "QD < 2.0 || FS > 60.0 || MQ < 40.0 || MQRankSum < -12.5 || ReadPosRankSum < -8.0 || SOR > 3.0"; #b) Only bi-allelic SNPs with non-missing values were included; #c) Only SNPs locating in the linear complete chromosomes (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 X Y) were included; ##The Relation between the individual IDs here and those in the main text CB_1 GE1 CB_3 GE2 CB_5 GE3 CB_7 GE4 CB_9 GE5 CB_11 GE6 CB_13 GE7 CB_15 GE8 MC_1 FR1 MC_3 FR2 MC_5 FR3 MC_8 FR4 MC_9 FR5 MC_11 FR6 MC_13 FR7 MC_16 FR8 AH_1 IR1 AH_3 IR2 AH_5 IR3 AH_7 IR4 AH_9 IR5 AH_11 IR6 AH_13 IR7 AH_15 IR8 KH_1 KA1 KH_3 KA2 KH_5 KA3 KH_7 KA4 KH_9 KA5 KH_11 KA6 KH_13 KA7 KH_15 KA8 TW_1 TA1 TW_3 TA2 TW_5 TA3 TW_7 TA4 TW_9 TA5 TW_11 TA6 TW_13 TA7 TW_15 TA8 SC_1 SL1 SC_5 SL2 SC_7 SL3 SC_10 SL4 SP_1 SP1 SP_3 SP2 SP_9 SP3 SP_11 SP4