Bibliography of the Auchenorrhyncha of central Europe

About 850 references, mainly on systematics, morphology, ecology and zoogeography (incl. some relevant titles on other groups of phytophagous animals), last modified September 2002 - please use the search function of your browser.

Abdul-Nour, H., Lahoud, L. (1996): Revision du genre Philaenus Stal, 1864 au Libanon, avec la description d'une nouvelle espèce: P. arslani, n.sp. (Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha, Cercopidae). - Nouv. Rev. d'Ent. (N.S.) 12: 297-303.

Achtziger, R. (1991): Zur Wanzen- und Zikadenfauna von Saumbiotopen. - Ber. ANL 15: 37-68.

Achtziger, R. (1995): Die Struktur von Insektengemeinschaften an Gehölzen: Die Hemipteren-Fauna als Beispiel für die Biodiversität von Hecken- und Waldrandökosystemen. - Bayreuther Forum Ökologie 20, 216 pp.

Achtziger, R., Nickel, H., Schreiber, R. (1999): Auswirkungen von Extensivierungsmaßnahmen auf Zikaden, Wanzen, Heuschrecken und Tagfalter im Feuchtgrünland. - Schr.-R. Bayer. Landesamt f. Umwelt 150: 109-131.

Achtziger, R., Nickel, H. (1997): Zikaden als Bioindikatoren für naturschutzfachliche Erfolgskontrollen im Feuchtgrünland. - Beitr. Zikadenkunde. 1: 3-16.

Adis, J., Basset, Y., Floren, A., Hammond, P.M., Linsenmair, K.E. (1998): Canopy fogging of an overstorey tree - recommendations for standardization. - Ecotropica 4: 93-97.

Afscharpour, F. (1960): Ökologische Untersuchungen über Wanzen und Zikaden auf Kulturfeldern in Schleswig-Holstein. - Z. angew. Zool. 47: 257-301.

Al Hussein, I.A., Bergmann, S., Funke, T., Huth, J., Oelerich, H.-M., Reuter, M., Tietze, F., Witsack, W. (1999): Die Tierwelt der Bergbaufolgelandschaften. - Naturschutz im Land Sachsen-Anhalt 36: 23-40.

Alla, S., Moreau, J.P., Frerot, B. (2001a): Effects of the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi on the leafhopper Psammotettix alienus under laboratory conditions. - Entomologia Exp. Appl. 98(2): 203-209.

Alla, S., Moreau, J.P., Frerot, B. (2001b): Evidence of an extractable semiochemical produced by Rhopalosiphum padi acting on Psammotettix alienus. - Entomologia Exp. Appl. 99(1): 107-111.

Ammar, E.-D. (1985): Internal morphology and ultrastucture of leafhoppers and planthoppers. - In: Nault, L.R., Rodriguez, J.G. (eds.): The leafhoppers and planthoppers. Wiley, New York, pp. 127-162.

Andrzejewska, L. (1962): Macrosteles laevis Rib. as an unsettlement index of natural meadow associations of Homoptera. - Bull. Acad. pol. Sci. Cl. II. Ser. Sci. biol. 10: 221-226.

Andrzejewska, L. (1965): Stratification and its dynamics in meadow communities of Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera). - Ekologia Polska (Ser. A) 13: 685-715.

Andrzejewska, L. (1971): Productivity investigations of two types of meadows in the Vistula valley. VI. Production and population density of leafhopper (Homoptera - Auchenorrhyncha) communities. - Ekol. Polska 19: 151-172.

Andrzejewska, L. (1979a): Herbivorous fauna and its role in the economy of grassland ecosystems. I. Herbivores in natural and managed meadows. - Pol. Ecol. Stud. 5(4): 5-44.

Andrzejewska, L. (1979b): Herbivorous fauna and its role in the economy of grassland ecosystems. II. The role of herbivores in trophic relationships. - Pol. Ecol. Stud. 5(4): 45-76.

Andrzejewska, L. (1991): Formation of Auchenorrhyncha communities in diversified structures of agricultural landscape. - Pol. ecol. Stud. 17: 267-287.

Anufriev, G.A. (1975): Notes on the genera Edwardsiana Zachv. and Pithyotettix Rib. (Homoptera, Cicadellidae) with descriptions of two new species. - Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci. Cl. II 23 (8): 531-536.

Anufriev, G.A., Kirillova, B.I. (1998): The Cicadina of the Chuvash Republic. - Cheboksarij. 176 pp. (In Russian).

Anufriev, G.A., Emeljanov, A.F. (1988): Suborder Cicadinea (Auchenorrhyncha) - Cicads. - In: Ler, P.A. (ed.): Keys to the identification of insects of the Soviet Far East. Vol. 2: Homoptera and Heteroptera. pp. 12-495. Nauka, Leningrad.

Arno, C., Alma, A., Arzone, A. (1988): Biotaxonomy and ecology of Japananus (Rhynchota Auchenorrhyncha). - Proc. 6th Auchenorrhyncha Meeting, Turin, Italy, September 7-11, 1987, pp. 275-283.

Arzone, A., Vidano, C. (1987): Typhlocybinae of broadleaved trees and shrubs in Italy. 3. Corylaceae. - Boll. Inst. Ent. Univ. Bologna 41: 269-276.

Arzone, A. & C. Vidano (1993): Descrizione di Eupteryx salviae nuovo Tiflocibino della Salvia (Auchenorrhyncha Cicadellidae). Mem. Soc. ent. ital., Genova, 72: 25-28.

Arzone, A., Vidano, C., Alma, A. (1987): Auchenorrhyncha introduced into Europe from the Nearctic region: taxonomic and phytopathological problems. - Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance, Provo, Utah, USA, 28th July-1st Aug. 1986, pp. 3-17.

Asche, M. (1980): Litemixia pulchripennis gen. et spec. nov., eine neue Delphacide aus Südwest-Frankreich (Homoptera Cicadina Delphacidae). - Marburger ent. Publ. 1(3): 59-92.

Asche, M. (1982): Anakelisia amicorum DLABOLA & MÜLLER, 1973 und Kelisia transversa LOGVINENKO, 1977, zwei neue Synonyme von Anakelisia fasciata (KIRSCHBAUM, 1868) (Homoptera Cicadina Delphacidae). - Marburger ent. Publ. 1(7): 19-24.

Asche, M. (1982a): Intraspezifische Variabilität der männlichen Genitalarmatur, dargestellt am Beispiel der Chloriona-Arten Ch. flaveola LINDBERG, 1948, Ch. unicolor HERRICH-SCHÄFFER, 1835 und Ch. ponticana nov. spec. (Homoptera Cicadina Delphacidae). - Marburger ent. Publ. 1(6): 159-190.

Asche, M. (1982b): Zur Kenntnis einiger von Geza HORVATH beschriebener Delphaciden (Homoptera Cicadina Delphacidae). - Marburger ent. Publ. 1(7): 25-36.

Asche, M. (1994): Four new species and a new genus of Delphacidae from Southern Europe and Egypt (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea). - Mitt. Schweiz. Ent. Ges. 67: 255-275.

Asche, M., Drosopoulos, S., Hoch, H. (1983): Metropis aris nov. spec., eine neue Delphacide aus Nordwest-Griechenland (Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha Fulgoromorpha Delphacidae). - Marburger ent. Publ. 1(8): 95-106.

Asche, M., Remane, R. (1982): Beiträge zur Delphaciden-Fauna Griechenlands I (Homoptera Cicadina Delphacidae). - Marburger ent. Publ. 1(6): 231-290.

Back, H.-E. (1976): Tibicina haematodes (SCOP.) im Mosel-Ruwer-Raum (Homoptera, Cicadidae). - Faun.-flor. Not. Saarland 8(1): 1-3.

Backus, E. (1985): Anatomical and sensory mechanisms of planthopper and leafhopper feeding behavior. - In: Nault, L.R., Rodriguez, J.G. (eds.): The leafhoppers and planthoppers. Wiley, New York, pp. 163-194.

Backus. E. (1988): Observations on the feeding behaviour of Empoasca fabae (Harris) (Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae) and the cause of hopperburn. - Proc. 6th Auchenorrhyncha Meeting, Turin, Italy, September 7-11, 1987, pp. 493-500.

Badmin, J. (1991): Additional host plants of Eupteryx filicum (Newman) (Hem., Cicadellidae). - Entomologist's. mon. Mag. 127: 196.

Badmin, J. (1992): Notes on two Homoptera new to the Isles of Scilly. - Entomologist's. mon. Mag. 128: 62.

Badmin, J. (1997): The biology of the grassland froghopper Neophilaenus campestris at Dungeness. - Dungeness Bird Observatory Report for 1996: 84-87.

Bartels, R., Fritzlar, F., Schneider, K., Schöpke, H., Wallaschek, M. (1992): Ergebnisse einer Insektenaufsammlung (Saltatoria; Heteroptera; Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha; Coleoptera) in Bitterfeld und Umgebung (Sachsen-Anhalt). - Kaleidoskop, Z. Päd. Hochsch. Halle 1: 28-33.

Basset, Y., Springate, N.D., Aberlenc, H.P., Delaware, G. (1997): A review of methods for sampling arthropods in tree canopies. - In: Stork, N.E., Adis, J., Didham, R.K. (eds.): Canopy Arthropods. Chapman & Hall, London.

Baugnée, J.-Y. (1995): Homoptères Auchénorhynches nouveaux pour la faune belge, récoltés dans le sud de l'Entre-Sambre-et Meuse (Homoptera: Delphacidae, Cicadellidae). - Bull. Annls. Soc. R. Belge Ent. 131: 161-167.

Begon, M., Harper, J.L., Townsend, C.R. (1996): Ecology. Individuals, populations and communities. 3rd ed. - Blackwell, Oxford. 1068 pp.

Bengtsson, J., Nilsson, S.G., Franc, A., Menozzi, P. (2000): Biodiversity, disturbances, ecosystem function and management of European forests. - Forest Ecology and Management 132(1): 39-50.

Benkert, D., Fukarek, F., Korsch, H. (eds.) (1996): Verbreitungsatlas der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Ostdeutschlands. - Fischer, Jena. 615 pp.

Berenbaum, M.R. (1990): Evolution of specialization in insect-umbellifer associations. - Annu. Rev. Entomol. 35: 319-343.

Bernays, E. (1996): Selective attention and host-plant specialization. - Ent. exp. appl. 80: 125-131.

Bernays, E. (1998): The value of being a resource specialist: Behavioral support for a neural hypothesis. - Am. Nat. 15: 451-464.

Bernays, E. (1999a): Plasticity and the problem of choice in food selection. - Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 92(6): 944-951.

Bernays, E. (1999b): When host choice is a problem for a generalist herbivore: Experiments with the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci. - Ecol. Entomol. 24(3): 260-267.

Bernays, E. Funk , D. (1999): Specialists make faster decisions than generalists: Experiments with aphids. - Proc. R. Soc. London, Biol. Sci., Ser. B 266: 151-156.

Bernays, E., Graham, M. (1988): On the evolution of host specificity in phytophagous arthropods. - Ecology 69: 886-892.

Bernhardt, K.-G. (1991): Zum Auftreten von Cicadetta montana Scopoli, 1772 (Homoptera - Auchenorrhyncha) bei Tecklenburg und Lengerich. - Natur u. Heimat 51: 77-78.

Bernhardt, K.-G., Arnold, K. (1991): Zum Auftreten von Haematoloma dorsatum (AHRENS) und Graphocephala fennahi YOUNG in den Räumen Münster und Osnabrück. - Natur u. Heimat 51: 75-77.

Biedermann, R. (1997): Populationsökologische Untersuchungen an Zikaden (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha): zum Einfluß von Habitatqualität, Habitatgröße und Isolation auf das Vorkommen und Überleben von Populationen. - Thesis, University of Mainz. 104 pp.

Biedermann, R. (1998a): Populationsökologie der Blutzikade Cercopis sanguinolenta (Scopoli, 1763) (Homoptera, Cercopidae) - Beitr. Zikadenkde. 2: 57-66.

Biedermann, R. (1998b): Erstnachweis der Zwergzikade Verdanus bensoni (China, 1933) (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Cicadellidae) für Deutschland. - Ent. Nachr. Ber. 42(1/2): 83.

Biedermann, R. (2000): Metapopulation dynamics of the froghopper Neophilaenus albipennis (F., 1798) (Homoptera, Cercopidae) - what is the minimum viable metapopulation size? - J. Insect Conservation 4: 99-107.

Bieman, C.F.M. den (1987a): Taxonomic evaluation of the Ribautodelphax collinus complex (Homoptera, Delphacidae). - In: Bieman, C.F.M. den(ed.): Biological and taxonomic differentiation in the Ribautodelphax collinus complex (Homoptera, Delphacidae). Proefschrift Wageningen.

Bieman, C.F.M. den (1987b): Host plant relations in the planthopper genus Ribautodelphax (Homoptera, Delphacidae). - Ecol. Ent. 12: 163-172.

Bieman, C.F.M. den (1988): Coexistence of pseudogamous and sexual planthoppers of the genus Ribautodelphax (Homoptera, Delphacidae). - Ecol. Ent. 13: 383-390.

Bieman, C.F.M. den (1993): Het spoorcicaden genus Stenocranus in Nederland (Homoptera: Delphacidae). - Ent. Ber. Amsterdam 53: 83-87.

Bieman, C.F.M. den, Booj, C.J.H. (1984): New and interesting Dutch Delphacidae (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). - Ent. Ber. Amsterdam 44: 117-123.

Bieman, C.F.M. den, de Vrijer, P.W.F. (1987): True parthenogenesis for the first time demonstrated in planthoppers (Homoptera, Delphacidae). - Annls. Soc. ent. Fr. (N.S.) 23: 3-9.

Bieman, C.F.M. den, Rozeboom, G.J. (1993): Twee Cicadellidae nieuw voor de Nederlandse fauna en een herontdekte soort (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). - Ent. Ber. Amst. 53: 23-25.

Bittner, C., Remane, R. (1977): Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Zikadenfauna (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Cicadina) des Roten Moores/Rhön. - Beitr. Naturk. Osthessen 11/12: 141-162.

Blocker, H.D. (1967): Classification of the Western Hemisphere Balclutha (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). - Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 122(3581): 1-55.

Blöte, H.C. (1927): Fauna van Nederland. Afl. II. Homoptera (QXXI) A. Jassidae, Membracidae. - Leiden.

Blöte, H.C. (1943): Fauna van Nederland. Afl. XIII. Homoptera (QXXI) B. Fulgoridae, Tettigometridae, Cercopidae. - Leiden.

Booij, C.H.J. (1981): Biosystematics of the Muellerianella complex (Homoptera, Delphacidae), taxonomy, morphology and distribution. - Neth. J. Zool. 31: 572-595.

Booij, C.H.J. (1982): Biosystematics of the Muellerianella complex (Homoptera, Delphacidae): host-plants, habitats and phenology. - Ecol. Ent. 7: 9-18.

Booij, C.H.J., Guldemond, J.A. (1984): Distributional and ecological differentiation between asexual gynogenetic planthoppers and related sexual species of the genus Muellerianella (Homoptera, Delphacidae). - Evolution 38 (1): 163-175.

Bopp, M. (1997): Die amerikanischen Goldruten Solidago canadensis L. und S. gigantea AIT. als Neophyten in Mitteleuropa: Besiedlung durch Insekten. - Göttinger naturkdl. Schr. 4: 181-206.

Bornholdt, G. (1991): Auswirkungen der Pflegemaßnahmen Mahd, Mulchen, Beweidung und Gehölzrückschnitt auf die Insektenordnungen Orthoptera, Heteroptera, Auchenorrhyncha und Coleoptera der Halbtrockenrasen im Raum Schlüchtern. - Marburger ent. Publ. 2 (6): 1-330.

Bornholdt, G. (1996): Die Zikadenfauna unterschiedlich gepflegter Borstgrasrasen und Goldhaferwiesen in der Hohen Rhön. Ber. 2. Auchenorrhyncha-Tagung 15.9.-17.9.1995 in Marburg: 5-14.

Bornholdt, G., Remane, R. (1993): Veränderungen im Zikadenartenbestand eines Halbtrockenrasens in der Eifel (Rheinland-Pfalz) entlang eines Nährstoffgradienten. - Z. Ökol. Natursch. 2: 19-29.

Bosco, D., Alma, A., Arzone, A. (1997): Studies on population dynamics and spatial distribution of leafhoppers in vineyards (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). - Ann. appl. Biol. 130: 1-11.

Bosco, D., Arzone, A. (1991): Indagini sui parassitoidi oofagi di Lindbergina aurovittata (Douglas) e L. spoliata (Hor-vàth) (Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha). - REDIA 74(1): 147-162.

Bourgoin, T. (1993): Female genitalia in Hemiptera Fulgoromorpha, morphological and phylogenetic data. - Ann. Soc. Ent. France 29(3): 225-244.

Bourgoin, T. (1997): Habitat and ant-attendance in Hemiptera: a phylogenetic test with emphasis on trophobiosis in Fulgoromorpha. - Mem. Mus. natn. Hist. nat. 173: 109-124.

Bourgoin, T., Steffen-Campbell, J.D., Campbell, B.C. (1997): Molecular phylogeny of Fulgoromorpha (Insecta, Hemiptera, Archaeorrhyncha). The enigmatic Tettigometridae: evolutionary affiliations and historical biogeography. - Cladistics 13: 207-224.

Brazier, C.M., Buck, K.W. (2001): Rapid evolutionary changes in a globally invading fungal pathogen (Dutch elm disease). - Biological Invasions 3: 223-233.

Brcak, J. (1979): Leafhopper and planthopper vectors of plant disease agents in central and southern Europe. - In: Maramorosch, K., Harris, K.F. (eds.): Leafhopper vectors and plant disease agents. Academic Press, New York. pp. 97-154.

Brem, D., Leuchtmann, A. (2001): Epichloe grass endophytes increase herbivore resistance in the woodland grass Brachypodium sylvaticum. - Oecologia 126: 522-530.

Bröring, U., Niedringhaus, R. (1989a): Die epigäische Hemipterenfauna (Heteroptera, Auchenorrhyncha) der Tertiärdünen Ostfriesischer Düneninseln. - Braunschw. naturkdl. Schr. 3: 387-397.

Bröring, U., Niedringhaus, R. (1989b): Veränderungen der Wanzen- und Zikadenfauna innerhalb von 50 Jahren auf der ostfriesischen Insel Borkum (Hemiptera: Heteroptera, Geocorisae, Auchenorrhyncha). - Oldenburger Jb. 89: 337-356.

Brown, V.K. (1985): Insect herbivores and plant succession. - Oikos 44: 17-22.

Brown, V.K. (1986): Life cycle strategies and plant succession. - In: Taylor, F. , Karban, R. (eds.): The evolution of insect life cycles. Springer, New York, pp. 105-124.

Büchs, W. (1988): Stamm- und Rindenzoozönosen verschiedener Baumarten des Hartholzauenwaldes und ihr Indi-katorwert für die Früherkennung von Baumschäden. - Thesis, University of Bonn. 813 pp.

Bußmann, M. (1992): Graphocephala fennahi YOUNG (Homoptera, Cicadellidae) auch im südlichen Westfalen. - Natur u. Heimat 52: 69-70.

Büttner, K. (1964): Beiträge zur Zikadenfauna von Westsachsen. - Veröff. Naturk.-Mus. Zwickau 4, Sonderh. 2: 3-23.

Caldwell, J.S (1949): A generic revision of the treehoppers of the tribe Ceresini in America north of Mexico, based on the study of the male genitalia. - Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 98: 491-521.

Campbell, B.C., Steffen-Campbell, J.D., Sorensen, J.T., Gill, R.J. (1995): Paraphyly of Homoptera and Auchenorrhyncha inferred from 18S rDNA nucleotide sequences. - Syst. Entomol. 20: 175-194.

Carl, M., Schönitzer, K. (1995): Beitrag zur Kenntnis der bayerischen Zikadenfauna (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). - NachrBl. bayer. Ent. 44: 13-18.

Cerutti, N. (1937): Captures interessantes d'Hémiptères du Valais. - Mitt. Schweiz. ent. Ges. 17: 168-172.

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Cerutti, N. (1939b): Captures intéressantes d'Hémiptères du Valais (3e liste) et description d'espèces nouvelles. - Mitt. Schweiz. Ent. Ges. 17: 443-449.

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China, W.E. (1943): New and little-known species of British Typhlocybidae (Homoptera) with keys to the genera Typhlocyba, Erythroneura, Dikraneura, Notus, Empoasca and Alebra. - Trans. Soc. Brit. Ent. 8: 111-153.

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Chudzicka, E. (1982): Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) of Warsaw and Mazovia. - Memorabilia Zool. 36: 143-164.

Chudzicka, E. (1986a): Structure of leafhopper (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) communities in the urban green of Warzaw. - Memorabilia Zool. 42: 67-99.

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Cook, A.A. (1996): The host plants of calcareous grassland Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera). - Entomol. mon. Mag. 132: 151-175.

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