Technical Options for Coral Reef Rehabilitation and their Policy Implications


Time Table

Guideline Questions for Panelists


Rehabilitation of coral reef areas needs a multisectoral approach. Besides some technical options available at present, there are only a few other tools applicable for the halt and reverse of the decline of coral reef areas, e.g., Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Rehabilitation of coral reef areas therefore requires integrated coastal zone management in its full extent and equally has to address politicians, scientists, managers, GOs as well as NGOs. The coastal communities need to be regarded as obligatory, integral part of coral reef restoration processes and in fact represent the socio-economic target group.

At present the international community involved in coral reef rehabilitation faces a combination of two major problems: (i) rehabilitation of coral reefs proves to be a long-term process. Reversal effects that allow a sustainable use of coral reefs seem to occur only after decades or even generations, (ii) on the international level only little experience is available regarding coral reef rehabilitation processes compared to the overwhelming demand for immediate actions from a large number of countries.

The presentations of panel two will reflect on the necessary preconditions for coral reef rehabilitation activities: First, technical options for rehabilitation and the necessary political frame conditions are illustrated using three examples. In the second contribution basic biochemical tools for identification of stressed coral reef areas are presented. The third paper shows the application of a simple Coral Damage Index (CDI) for rapid assessment of impacts on reefs. The fourth contribution will discuss the potentials of aquaculture for 'coral reef management' 'rehabilitation' and 'sustainable use of renewable reef resources'. Finally the interaction between natural processes of beach formation and contamination through human use are analysed in order to implications for the integrated management of coastal zones.

Time Table

Monday, 19th June




Title of Presentation

16:30 – 16:50

Schillak, Lothar


Coral reef rehabilitation - technical options and necessary political and socio-economic frame: Experiences from Jordan, Egypt and Kenya

16:50 – 17:10

Müller, W.


*Biochemical Tools for the Identification of stressed Corals.

17:10 – 17:30

Ammar, M.S.A.


Impacts of Recreational Dives and the Application of a Coral Damage Index along the Egyptian Coast of the Red Sea

17:30 – 17:50

Hartnoll, Richard G.


Coral reef crustacean fisheries – options for management, stock enhancement, habitat enhancement and aquaculture

17:50 – 18:10

Arthurton, Russell S.


*Interaction of natural beach formation and degradation through human activity: Implications for coastal zone management.

18:10 – 18:35                                       DISCUSSION

18:35 – 19:00                          SUMMARY AND SUGGESTIONS

  *title to be confirmed by author

Guideline Questions for Panelists

·      Which data are necessary for the assessment of degraded reef areas destined for rehabilitation activities ?

·      Which are the essential steps for coral reef rehabilitation activities ?

·      Will it be possible to establish a general operational manual for coral reef rehabilitation?

·      Which institutional and policy frame conditions are conducive to the implementation of the technical options presented?

·      What kind of inputs/results from other disciplines would enhance your work?

·      What kind of inputs/results can you provide for other disciplines?