Homepage von Klaus Hövemeyer
zur Abteilung Ökologie
Abteilung Ökologie
Institut für Zoologie und Anthropologie
Homepage of Dr. Klaus Hövemeyer
zur Universität Göttingen

Foto von Klaus Hövemeyer
PD Dr. Klaus


Abteilung Ökologie
Institut für Zoologie und Anthropologie
der Universität Göttingen
Berliner Str. 28
37073 Göttingen

Tel.: 0551/39-5558
Fax: 0551/39-5448

e-mail: khoevem@gwdg.de

this is the homepage of Dr Klaus Hövemeyer,

I am affiliated to the Ecology Research Group
at the Institute of Zoology and Anthropology
as a private lecturer.
My research and teaching intests cover many fields of ecology (energetics, behavioural ecology, population ecology, community ecology, ecological diversity, ecosystems, macro-ecology) with a focus on Diptera (flies & midges) and spiders.
This page contains details of

    • my research interests,
    • my teaching interests,
    • my publications,
    • a brief biography
and a few other topics given in the green box on the right. You can navigate among these by clicking the respective links.


Deutscher Text


Research Interests



Talks & Posters


Favourite readings & Links


Verantwortlich: Klaus Hövemeyer   last updated: August 2002