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On the staircase, from the left:
1 Michal Farnik; 2 Wieland Schöllkopf; 3 Peter Day; 4 Rainer Bachmann; 5 Matthias Schinacher;
6 Andrew Graham; 7 Christian Johann; 8 Udo Tappe; 9 Sven Schaper; 10 Christian Görling;
11 Björn Samelin; 12 Daniel Nowak; 13 Peter Hahn; 14 John Close; 15 Rolf Gerlach;
16 Peter Fouquet; 17 Jan Harms; 18 Matthias Hartmann; 19 Dirk Fuhrmann; 20 Christof Ottinger;
21 Horst-Günther Rubahn; 22 Andreas Nolte; 23 Wolfgang Sattler; 24 Lev Y. Rusin; 25 Vyacheslav Akimov
In front of the staircase, from the left:
26 Norbert Quaas; 27 Nasser Mustafa; 28 Mustafa Ayabakan; 29 Andreas Bartelt; 30 Alexei Glebov;
31 Andreas Ehbrecht; 32 Klaus v. Haeften; 33 Stefan Vollmer; 34 Albrecht Lindinger; 35 Andrej Vilesov;
36 Jens Braun; 37 Guido Brusdeylins; 38 Werner Steinhögl; 39 Walter Silvestri; 40 Thorsten Winkler;
41 Volkmar Senz; 42 Jan Peter Toennies
last revision: S. Warnecke, October 2010