The historical premises of Göttingen University
(pen drawing with water colours, by Friedrich Besemann (1796–1854); Städtisches Museum Göttingen)

On the left: south-west corner of the Michaelis-Haus; the building in the center (demolished ca. 1870) originally housed professors (among them the classical philologist and director of the library Johann Matthias Gesner (1691-1761)) and was later used for the academic museum (organized by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752-1849)) and the physics laboratory („Physikalisches Kabinett“), where Carl Friedrich Gauß (1777-1855) worked; on the left, behind the museum, the nave of the former Paulinerkirche, housing the library since 1812. Immediately behind the bridge (center right) Heyne's garden house (built ca. 1775) and left of it the Heyne-Haus; behind the garden house and to the right of it the roof of the Marienkirche; front right: eastern façade of the Grätzel-Haus.

Etching by Ernst Ludwig Riepenhausen (1765-1840), 
from: „Erinnerungen an Göttingen im Sommer 1833“, Göttingen (no year) (copy of SUB Göttingen)

Today's view of the Paulinerkirche is blocked by the library building of 1880.