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Fimbriosthenelais zetlandica

Hartman (1959) remarks that Fimbriosthenelais minor might be a possible subspecies of the nominal Sthenelais atlantica (=Fimbriosthenelais zetlandica), but this is not accepted by other authors (see also below under Synonyms). No subspecies are recognized here.

Sthenelais zetlandica McIntosh, 1876
Fimbriosthenelais zetlandica (McIntosh, 1876)
Sthenelais atlantica McIntosh, 1876
Fimbriosthenelais atlantica (McIntosh, 1876)
Sthenelais sarsi McIntosh, 1897
Sthenelais minor Fauvel, 1923 (nec
Pruvot et Racovitza, 1895) (misidentification)
Sthenelais papillosa Day, 1960
Sthenelais vachoni Rullier, 1964

The taxonomy of this genus is insufficiently known and needs revision. Fauvel (1923) has suggested that the nominal Sthenelais atlantica and Sthenelais zetlandica are synonyms of Fimbriosthenelais minor, and this has led to some confusion concerning the identity of the taxa. Currently, both Fimbriosthenelais zetlandica and Fimbriosthenelais minor are regarded as bonae species according to Pettibone (1971).

I know no record from coastal German waters. However, due to the taxonomic confusion within and between species of Sthenelais and Fimbriosthenelais not all finds (especially historical ones) can be safely assigned to a species. It is possible that some records of other Sthenelais or Fimbriosthenelais species in the southern North Sea actually refer to Fimbriosthenelais zetlandica. Thus, the exact distribution of Fimbriosthenelais zetlandica is currently unclear. Finds that likely refer to this species are recorded from the Shetland islands and the North Atlantic; Irish Sea; English Channel; Cape Verde islands; South Africa. This suggests a wide distribution in the Atlantic Ocean including the continental shelf of north-western Europe.

This page has been updated on January 21, 2011
This site is online since May 31, 2005
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