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Calyptostoma velutinum


Original description

Acarus velutinus Müller, 1776
Calyptostoma velutinus (Müller, 1776)
Calyptostoma velutinum (Müller, 1776)
Trombidium expalpe Hermann, 1804
Acarus expalpis (Hermann, 1804)
Smaridia expalpis (Hermann, 1804)
Smaris expalpis (Hermann, 1804)
Calyptostoma expalpe (Hermann, 1804)
Smaris impressa C. L. Koch, 1837
Calyptostoma hardii Cambridge, 1875 (unclear synonym)
Smaris plana L. Koch, 1878
Smaris lyncaea Berlese, 1887
Calyptostoma lyncaeum (Berlese, 1887)
Calyptostoma leegei Oudemans, 1903 (unclear synonym)
Fessonia prominens Banks, 1916
Calyptostoma prominens (Banks, 1916)
Calyptostoma stellatum Willmann, 1953 (unclear synonym)
Calyptostoma latiseta Shiba, 1976
Calyptostoma simplexa Shiba, 1976
Calyptostoma lincaeum Wainstein, 1976 (misspelling or unjustified emendation)
Calyptostoma hardyi auct. (justified emendation of hardii) (unclear synonym)

Note: Calyptostoma
leegei, Calyptostoma stellatum, and Calyptostoma hardyi have been described as bona species from the Netherlands, Austria and England, respectively. However, their differences from Calyptostoma velutinum are unclear and they are likely to be conspecific with this species.




This page has been updated on March 5, 2011
This site is online since May 31, 2005
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