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Araniella displicata
Bunte Kürbisspinne


Original description

Epeira displicata Hentz, 1847
Aranea displicata (Hentz, 1847)
Araniella displicata (Hentz, 1847)
Araniella displicata displicata (Hentz, 1847)
Araneus displicatus (Hentz, 1847)
Araneus displicatus displicatus (Hentz, 1847)
Araneus cucurbitinus displicatus (Hentz, 1847)
Epeira ornata Blackwall, 1850
Epeira decipiens Fitch, 1855
Epeira westringii Thorell, 1856
Epeira silesiaca Fickert, 1876 (p. 70) (new synonym, see note below)
Araniella silesiaca (Fickert, 1876)
Type locality: "Breslau" (Poland)
Epeira sexpunctata Keyserling, 1885
Epeira alba Keyserling, 1885
Araneus croaticus Kulczynski, 1905
Araniella displicata octopunctata auct. nec Linnaeus, 1767 (misidentification)
Epeira cucurbitina auct. nec Clerck, 1757 (misidentification)
Araneus displicatus westringi auct. (unjustified emendation)
Aranea displicata westringi auct. (unjustified emendation)
Araniella westringi auct. (unjustified emendation)
Araniella alpica auct. nec L. Koch, 1869 (misidentification)
Araneus crispulus auct. nec Tullgren, 1952 (misidentification)

Note: Araniella silesiaca Fickert, 1876 is a problematic species and has previously been synonymized with Araniella alpica, because Fickert (1876) compares his new species with this species. However, the genitalia described by Fickert do not at all resemble those of Araniella alpica and thus a synonymy is rejected (see also Blanke 1982) and the taxon is mostly regarded as a doubtful separate species. The original description (that is based on a single female specimen) describes the female genitalia as follows: "Die Epigyne ist stark hervorgewölbt, gelbbraun, nur am Oberrande mit einigen Borsten. Der Nagel derselben ist nicht länger als breit, ohne jede Spur von Querrunzelung. Er erweitert sich nach vorn etwas, geht gerundet zu und ist gelbbraun, schwarz gerandet" ("The epigyne protrudes strongly, is yellow-brown, only at the upper rim with a few bristles. The
scapus is not longer than wide, without any trace of cross-wrinkling. The scapus becomes a bit wider towards the front, ends in a rounded tip and is yellow-brown with a black border"). This description does not at all fit the epigyne of Araniella alpica, but agrees with Araniella displicata. The description of the coloration of the prosoma and opisthosoma of Araniella silesiaca also fits the lighter green color variant of Araniella displicata. Especially the description of the upper side of the opisthosoma agrees with Araniella displicata: "Das eiförmige Abdomen ist gelb mit zwei Paar grossen schwarzen Punkten in der Hinterhälfte. Die Seiten sind rein weiss eingefasst, ausserdem aber erstreckt sich eine weisse Doppelbinde vom Vorderrande des Abdomens bis nach hinten, welche einen lanzenförmigen Fleck einschliesst." ("The ovoid abdomen is yellow with two pairs large black spots in the posterior half. The lateral sides are lined in pure white, and in addition there is a white double line running from the anterior rim of the abdomen to the posterior end, that encloses a lanceolate mark"). Therefore, I place Araniella silesiaca in the synonymy of Araniella displicata.




This page has been updated on March 21, 2012
This site is online since May 31, 2005
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