Mitopus glacialis
Original description
Heer, 1845
Opilio glacialis Heer, 1845
Oligolophus glacialis (Heer, 1845)
Strandibunus glacialis (Heer, 1845)
Mitopus glacialis (Heer, 1845)
Strandibunus obliquus Roewer, 1912 (nec C. L. Koch, 1839) (partim!)
Parodiellus obliquus Roewer, 1923 (nec C. L. Koch, 1839) (partim!)
Roewer has synonymized glacialis with obliquus, but was in error about
the true identity of Koch´s obliquus, which is a greek species,
now placed in the genus Metaplatybunus. Roewer´s obliquus is
probably a composite of true obliquus and true glacialis and thus a
partim synonym of glacialis.

Alps of France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria. In
Germany probably in the extreme south of Bayern.
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updated on October 3, 2009
This site is online since May 31, 2005
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