Opiliones > Opilio canestrinii


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Opilio canestrinii

Specimen that has not fed for a longer period of time (hence the small opisthosoma). Specimen photographed in Göttingen (Niedersachsen, Germany) on July 13, 2008.

Original description
Thorell, 1876

Opilio parietinus Canestrini, 1875 (a misidentification)
Phalangium parietinum Cecconi, 1898 (a misidentification)
Phalangium canestrinii Thorell, 1876
Opilio canestrinii (Thorell, 1876)
Phalangium canestrini Rizzardi, 1898 (unjustified emendation)
Opilio canestrini (Rizzardi, 1898) (unjustified emendation)
Phalangium segmentatum Simon, 1879

Opilio zangherii Spoek, 1962
Opilio aspromontanus Gruber, 1965
Opilio ravennae Martens, 1978 (a misidentification)

This species has a very complicated synonymy history (summarized in Gruber, 1984) which is caused by taxonomically illegal acts, misidentifications and unclear species delimitations. Opilio canestrinii is closely related to Opilio transversalis (from Greece, the Balcans and northern Italy) and is sometimes confused or synonymized with this species. I therefore also give a synonymy of Opilio transversalis below, although this species has not yet been recorded from Germany.

Synonymy of Opilio transversalis:

Opilio transversalis Roewer, 1956
Opilio ravennae Spoek, 1962


Originally restricted to Malta, Sicily and southern Italy, but has spread north in recent times. Details about the timing of the spreading and the mode (human-aided?) are unclear. The exact distribution in Central Europe is unclear as well. In Germany the species is known from several places scattered all across the country except for the northern parts. Whether this scattered distribution is real or an artefact caused by incomplete sampling and recording is unclear.

This page has been updated on December 18, 2008
This site is online since May 31, 2005
Copyright © by Nikola-Michael Prpic. All rights reserved.