Trogulus nepaeformis
Original description
Scopoli, 1763
Acarus nepaeformis Scopoli, 1763
Trogulus nepaeformis (Scopoli, 1763)
Trogulus rostratus Simon, 1879
Metopoctea melanotarsus Simon, 1879
Trogulus closanicus Avram, 1971
Trogulus martensi Chemini, 1983
Trogulus closanicus and Trogulus martensi have been described as
separate species closely related to Trogulus nepaeformis. However,
species status could not yet be corroborated and most authors
synonymize them with Trogulus nepaeformis. Unless evidence for their
species status is presented, I regard them as synonyms of Trogulus

Distributed in western, central and eastern Europe.
The eastern borders of distribution are unclear; there is a record from
the Russian Black Sea coast. Not recorded from northern Europe and from
southern Mediterranean areas. In Germany recorded from most
Bundesländer except for the north of the country.
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updated on April 7, 2011
This site is online since May 31, 2005
Copyright © by Nikola-Michael Prpic. All rights reserved.