(1) Lamprodila decipiens decipiens Gebler, 1847
(2) Lamprodila decipiens achaica (Brandl, 1986)
(3) Lamprodila decipiens kamikochiana (Obenberger, 1940)
Only the nominate subspecies occurs in Germany.
Lampra decipiens Dejean, 1833 (nomen nudum)
Lamprodila decipiens (Dejean, 1833)
Poecilonota decipiens Gebler, 1847
Palmar decipiens (Gebler, 1847)
Lampra decipiens (Gebler, 1847)
Lamprodila decipiens (Gebler, 1847)
Lampra dives Guillebeau, 1889
Ovalisia dives (Guillebeau, 1889)
Scintillatrix dives (Guillebeau, 1889)
Palmar dives (Guillebeau, 1889)
Poecilonota dives (Guillebeau, 1889)
Lampra modesta Guillebeau, 1889
Lamprodila modesta (Guillebeau, 1889)
Lampra decipiens deaurata Obenberger, 1924
Lamprodila deaurata (Obenberger, 1924)
Lampra decipiens purkynei Obenberger, 1934
Lamprodila purkynei (Obenberger, 1934)
Buprestis limbata auct. nec Gebler, 1832 (misidentification)
Buprestis rutilans auct. nec Fabricius, 1777 (misidentification)
Lampra mirifica auct. nec Mulsant, 1855 (misidentification)
Note: this species has a complicated nomenclatural history. First, it
has often been confused with other species of the genus and thus may
appear under the name "rutilans" or "limbata" in the older literature.
Second, until recently the valid name was believed to be "dives",
because the authorship of "decipiens" had been confused and erroneously
attributed to Mannerheim. After clarification of these issues, it is now
clear that "decipiens" authored by Gebler is the valid name for this
Note: also the generic assignment of this species (and its related
species) has a complicated history. The genera Lampra, Lamprodila and
Scintillatrix all have the same type species and thus are objective
synonyms. Lampra is preoccupied, thus the next younger name Lamprodila
is the valid name. Some authors regard the younger names Cinyrsia,
Erialata, Mabomisia, Ovalisia, Palmar, Poecilisia, and Zykovisia as
separate genera, but this is not adopted here. All these taxa are here
regarded as subgenera within Lamprodila.
Additional German names: Großer Weiden-Prachkäfer, Großer Ulmenprachtkäfer, Großer Ulmen-Prachtkäfer.
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