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Liriomyza xanthocera
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Synonyme und andere Namen:
(1) Agromyza xanthocera Czerny (in Czerny et Strobl), 1909
Liriomyza xanthocera (Czerny (in Czerny et Strobl), 1909)
(2) Agromyza infumata Czerny (in Czerny et Strobl), 1909
Liriomyza infumata (Czerny (in Czerny et Strobl), 1909)
(3) Dizygomyza crucifericola Hering, 1951
Liriomyza crucifericola (Hering, 1951)
(4) Phytobia cisti Spencer, 1960
Liriomyza cisti (Spencer, 1960)

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Quellen und Einzelnachweise
Benavent-Corai J, Martinez M, Jimenez Peydro R. 2005. Catalogue of the hosts-plants of the world Agromyzidae (Diptera). Bolletino di Zoologia Agraria e di Bachicoltura. Serie II. 37 (Supplementum), 1-97.

Papp L. 1984. Family Agromyzidae. In: Soos A, Papp L (Hrsg). Catalogue of the Palaearctic Diptera. Volume 9. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Oxford, New York, Tokyo. Pp 263-343.

Papp L, Cerny M. 2017. Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Hungary. Volume 3. Phytomyzinae II. Pars Ltd, Nagykovacsi.


Zoographia Germaniae wird verfasst und herausgegeben von Niko Prpic-Schäper.
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