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Gymnochiromyia flavella
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Synonyme und andere Namen:
(1) Anthophilina flavella Zetterstedt, 1848
Gymnochiromyia flavella (Zetterstedt, 1848)
(2) Gymnochiromyia minima (Becker, 1904)

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Quellen und Einzelnachweise
Ebejer MJ. 2010. The identification of females of the West Palaearctic species of Gymnochiromyia Hendel (Diptera: Chyromyidae) and descriptions of five new species from Israel and the United Arab Emirates. Israel Journal of Entomology 40, 145-168.

Ebejer MJ. 2010a. Chyromya miladae Andersson, a new record, and Aphaniosoma germanicum a new species (Diptera, Chyromyidae) from Germany. Dipterists Digest 17, 7-12.

Soos A. 1984. Family Chyromyidae. In: Soos A, Papp L (Herausgeber). Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera. Volume 10. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Oxford, New York, Tokyo. Pp. 56-60.


Zoographia Germaniae wird verfasst und herausgegeben von Niko Prpic-Schäper.
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