Empis pennipes
Empis pennipes
Linnaeus, 1758
Empis clauda Schrank, 1803 (p. 171) (nomen
dubium, see note below)
Empis longirostris Meigen, 1804 (p. 223) (nec
Macquart, 1823)
Empis longirostris Meigen, 1830 (p. 338) (nec
Macquart, 1823)
Empis nigripennis Oldenberg, 1924 (in synonymy)
(nec Fabricius, 1794)
Empis pennata auct. (misspelling)
Note: in his second edition of Fauna Svevica
Linnaeus (1761) splits the description of Empis
pennipes into the "normal" form and a variety
which he leaves unnamed. Schrank (1803) names
this variety as Empis clauda. The identity of
this variety is unclear: it could be an aberrant
Empis pennipes or another Empis species.
Therefore, I tentatively synonymize Empis clauda
with Empis pennipes.
Note: Meigen described an Empis longirostris in
his 1804 book (Meigen 1804). In his later
multi-volume work "Systematische Beschreibung
der bekannten europaeischen zweifluegeligen
Insekten" he initially omitted this name. This
is not unusual, because Meigen omitted several
of his own earlier "species" from his opus
magnum, probably indicating his own doubts about
their validity. However, in the supplements
(Meigen 1830) he appended the name, probably
because he had received more material. In 1804
he only mentions a single male that he collected
himself; but in the 1830 text he adds that he
now has two additional specimens sent to him by
Prof. Gaede. He virtually copies his 1804
description, but corrects the color of the
halteres (white in the 1804 text, but brown in
the 1830 text), probably because of the new
material. In the 1830 text Meigen even states
that this species differs from E. pennipes only
by the even longer proboscis. However, the
proboscis in E. pennipes is indeed very long and
slight length differences fall within
intraspecific variation. Thus, I synonymize both
Empis longirostris names by Meigen with Empis
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This site is online since May 31, 2005
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