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Hydrellia nigriceps


Original description

Notiphila nigriceps Meigen, 1830
Hydrellia nigriceps (Meigen, 1830)
Notiphila affinis Waltl, 1837 (unclear synonym)
Hydrellia affinis (Waltl, 1837)
Hydrellia affinis Meigen, 1838 (unclear synonym)

Waltl described Notiphila affinis with the words: "Gleicht der Not. griseola, aber der Kopf ist ganz schwarz" (translation: Identical to Not. griseola, but the head is completely black). However, Meigen seems to have been aware of Waltl´s specimens and Waltl´s intention to describe them and name them Notiphila affinis, but he seems to have been unaware of the fact that Waltl had already published the name one year earlier. This might be the reason why Meigen describes a Hydrellia affinis with the words: "Grünlichgrau; Kopf und Beine schwarz. Unterscheidet sich von H. nigriceps durch einen ganz schwarzen Kopf und schwarze Beine. Schwinger gelbweiß. Flügel wasserklar" (translation: Greenish gray; head and legs black. Differs from H. nigriceps by a completely black head and black legs. Halteres yellow-white. Wings transparent). An additional piece of evidence that Meigen was referring to Waltl´s specimens is that he gives "Baiern" as distribution. This means "Bavaria" and obviously refers to Waltl´s work who was exclusively describing specimens from Bavaria. Thus, this species has been described twice with the same name and very similar original descriptions.
Both extremely short descriptions and the lost types make it impossible to identify this species. However, Meigen recognized similarities between H. nigriceps (described by him eight years earlier) and the new species. He tries to distinguish them, but a comparison of his earlier description of H. nigriceps is very similar to his later description of H. affinis: (translated original description of the nominal Notiphila nigriceps): "Dark metallic green, lower face and legs black, metatarsus yellow". Meigen likely did not have any specimens before him and was only describing this species from his memory of Waltl´s specimens. Thus, the alleged differences between Waltl´s specimens and the nominal Notiphila nigriceps might not be real after all. Because the affinis taxon cannot be identified from the original description and no types seem to have survived, this name will permanently remain a nomen dubium. However, based on the above discussion I think that it is possible that the affinis taxon is identical to the nominal Notiphila nigriceps and I therefore include it in its synonymy.

The present taxon is a species dubia (see also Stuke (2011)). It is probably a synonym of another Hydrellia species.

Currently, the species cannot be identified with the available literature. The species is therefore regarded as doubtful (e.g. Stuke 2011). More research on the species of Hydrellia is necessary to establish the number of valid species in this genus.



This page has been updated on June 19, 2011
This site is online since May 31, 2005
Copyright © by Nikola-Michael Prpic. All rights reserved.

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