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Notiphila rufitarsis


Original description

Notiphila rufitarsis Waltl, 1837 (nec Macquart, 1851)
Notiphila nigripes Waltl, 1837 (nec Macquart, 1851) (unclear synonym)
Hydrellia rufitarsis Meigen, 1838 (unclear synonym)

Note: the species "hiding" behind these names cannot currently be identified with any known species of Ephydridae. The original description of all of these names is insufficient and the whereabouts of the type specimen(s) are not known. It is very likely that these names are synonyms of other Ephydridae (not necessarily a Notiphila) or even other dipteran species. Thus, it is also virtually impossible to synonymize them as I do here, but I will give my reasons for doing so below:

Notiphila rufitarsis and Notiphila nigripes were described by Waltl on the same page. Waltl first describes N. rufitarsis, and then N. nigripes. Since the types are lost the identity of these names will probably remain a mystery forever. However, apart from minimal size differences the two descriptions given by Waltl are basically identical. Thus, I think it is legitimate to synonymize these names here.

Meigen has obviously been aware of the specimens of Waltl and probably was also aware of Waltls intention to name them, because Meigen published the same (or similar) names just one year after Waltl and for all of these names he did not give his usual "from the collection of...", but just stated "from Bavaria", thus obviously referring to Waltls specimens that all were collected around Passau (Bavaria). It is unclear, why Meigen obviously copied the names and descriptions, but did not give Waltl as the author, or at least stated that he saw the specimens in Waltl´s collection. Irrespective of Meigen´s reasons, the name Hydrellia rufitarsis is obviously referring to Waltl´s Notiphila rufitarsis and, intriguingly, Meigen´s description reads like a copy of the descriptions of Waltl´s rufitarsis and nigripes. Thus, I think the name can be synonymized with the two names coined by Waltl.


Only known from the original description: near Passau (Bayern).


This page has been updated on April 2, 2011
This site is online since May 31, 2005
Copyright © by Nikola-Michael Prpic. All rights reserved.

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Original description




