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Philygria femorata


Original description

Ephydra basilaris Waltl, 1837 (unclear synonym) (nomen oblitum)
Philygria basilaris (Waltl, 1837)
Ephydra basilaris Meigen, 1838 (unclear synonym) (nomen oblitum)
Philygria basilaris (Meigen, 1838)
Notiphila femorata Stenhammar, 1844
Philygria femorata (Stenhammar, 1844)
Hydrina strandi Duda, 1942 (unclear synonym)
Philygria strandi (Duda, 1942)

Ephydra posticata auct. nec Meigen, 1830 (misidentification)

The taxon Ephydra basilaris has been described by Waltl (1837) from Passau (Bavaria). The description is copied by Meigen (Meigen, 1838), but without reference to Waltl´s work, and thus pretending to be a new description. The taxon basilaris is here regarded as a synonym of the nominal Notiphila femorata on the following grounds:

The description of Waltl states: "Gesicht grauweiß, mit weißem Augenrande. Stirn rostbraun, mit dunkeln Striemen. Rückenschild braungrau, mit drey braunen Striemen. Hinterleib sehr glänzend: 1. 2. Ring rostgelb, die andern schwarz. Beine braungelb. Flügel getrübt, mit braunen Queradern" (translation: Face gray-white, with white margin around the eye. Forehead rubiginous, with dark striae. Thoracic shield brown-gray, with three brown striae. Abdomen very shiny: 1. and 2. segment rubiginous, the others black. Legs brown-yellow. Wings clouded, with brown crossveins). This description fits very well with Philygria femorata. It is the only fully winged Philygria species in Europe that has only the abdominal tergites 1 and 2 pruinose and the remaining segments are shiny black. All other details of Waltl´s description fit as well. The basilaris taxon is regarded a nomen dubium by Mathis and Zatwarnicki (1995). I believe that the above arguments allow a tentative synonymization with
Philygria femorata.

Note: Hydrina strandi is a doubtful species and listed as nomen dubium by Mathis and Zatwarnicki (1995). The types have been destroyed in World War II (Hollmann-Schirrmacher, 1998) and thus no comparisons can be made. Probably a synonym of another Philygria species: Hollmann-Schirrmacher suggests that the description of Hydrina strandi suggests synonymy with Philygria femorata. I agree with this notion and list it here as a synonym of this species. Only known from the type locality (St. Wendel (near Saarbrücken), Germany).




This page has been updated on April 13, 2011
This site is online since May 31, 2005
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