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Ephemera danica

No subspecies are recognized.

Ephemera danica O.F. Müller, 1764
Ephemera maculata de Villers, 1789 et al. auct. (nec Olivier, 1791 et al. auct.; nec Linnaeus, 1747)

Ephemera cognata Stephens, 1836
Ephemera hispanica Rambur, 1842 (nec Navás, 1903)
Ephemera vulgata auct. nec Linnaeus, 1758 (a frequent misidentification)

The species Ephemera parnassiana Demoulin, 1958 has occasionally been placed in the synonymy of the present species, but is here regarded as a separate species (that does not occur in Germany).

The name epithet "maculata" has been coined before the year 1758 and thus is not available for modern nomenclature. However, the epithet has been used quite frequently by classical authors of the 18th and 19th century. Thus, the name "Ephemera maculata" can be found quite frequently in older literature. The name has also been misapplied to Ephemera danica. Thus, old records of "Ephemera maculata" can refer to both Ephemera danica and Ephemera vulgata.

This page has been updated on February 13, 2011
This site is online since May 31, 2005
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