subspecies are recognized. Townes and Townes (1981)
note slight morphological differences between palearctic and nearctic
populations of this species, but do not regard these as significant
enough to recognize subspecies.
Proctotrupes areolator Curtis, 1829
Nomen nudum, but attributed to Haliday; possibly a manuscript or collection name used by Haliday.
Proctotrupes ephippium Curtis, 1837 (column 128)
Nomen nudum, but attributed to Walker; possibly a manuscript or collection name used by Walker.
Proctotrupes areolator Haliday, 1839 (p. 13)
Bethylus areolator (Haliday, 1839)
Disogmus areolator (Haliday, 1839)
Disogmus areolator areolator (Haliday, 1839)
Cryptoserphus areolator (Haliday, 1839)
Type locality: original description gives "in Anglia", England, UK. Lectotype: "England or Ireland" (fide Townes and Townes 1981).
Disogmus discrepator Foerster, 1856 (p. 100)
Disogmus aequator Foerster, 1856 (p. 100)
Proctotrupes elegans Thomson, 1857 (p. 414)
Disogmus elegans (Thomson, 1857)
Type locality: "Ringsjön i Skåne", Sweden.
Proctotrupes nigripennis Thomson, 1857 (p. 415)
Proctotrypes nigripennis (Thomson, 1857)
Disogmus nigripennis (Thomson, 1857)
Type locality: "Stockholm", Sweden.
Disogmus canadensis Harrington, 1899 (p. 193)
Type locality: "Ottawa", Canada.
Proctotrypes cellaris Harrington, 1899 (p. 193)
In synonymy of Disogmus canadensis; label name by Ashmead.
Disogmus diversicornis Kieffer, 1906
Type locality:
Disogmus glabratus Kieffer, 1906
Type locality:
Disogmus carinatus Kieffer (in Andre), 1907
Type locality:
Disogmus areolator ephippium Kieffer, 1914 (making the name by Curtis available)
Type locality:
Disogmus torvus Whittaker, 1930
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