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Libelloides longicornis

A large number of subspecies has been described, but none of them is here considered as valid; no subspecies are recognized. Note that the species status of L. longicornis has been questioned (Aspöck et al. (2001)); these authors suggest that it might be a subspecies of Libelloides macaronius (Scopoli, 1763). This notion is not adopted here and L. longicornis is accepted as a valid species.

Original description

Hemerobius longicornis Linnaeus, 1764
Libelloides longicornis (Linnaeus, 1764)
Libelloides longicornis longicornis (Linnaeus, 1764)
Ascalaphus longicornis (Linnaeus, 1764)
Ascalaphus longicornis longicornis (Linnaeus, 1764)
Ascalaphus c-nigrum Latreille, 1807
Ascalaphus longicornis bolivari Van der Weele, 1908
Libelloides longicornis bolivari (Van der Weele, 1908)
Ascalaphus longicornis c-disjunctus Puissegur, 1967
Libelloides longicornis montana Monserrat, 1977
Libelloides longicornis boixolsius Aistleitner, 1980
Libelloides longicornis ramiroi Aistleitner, 1980
Libelloides longicornis aspoeckiaspoeckaeque Aistleitner, 1980
Libelloides longicornis penibeticus Aistleitner, 1980
Libelloides longicornis veronensis Aistleitner, 1981




This page has been updated on July 6, 2011
This site is online since May 31, 2005
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