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Chrysoperla lucasina

The species is member of a species complex of very closely related species, but subspecies are not recognized.

Original description

Chrysopa lucasina Lacroix, 1912
Chrysoperla lucasina (Lacroix, 1912)

Note: This taxon belongs to a complex of morphologically virtually identical species (cryptic species) that differ in their mating vibration types ("songtypes"). Thus, the different species can only be separated alive, and museum specimens (i.e. types!) cannot be assigned with confidence to species. An exception is the present species that shows subtle morphological differences (that, however, in preserved dry specimens might not be visible).

There are altogether four different songtypes in this species complex in Europe (Cc1 to Cc4, Cc stands for "Chrysoperla carnea"), and it remains unclear which scientific names should be applied to them. Song type Cc1 appears to be identical with the species named Chrysoperla lucasina (Lacroix, 1912) which can also be identified on morphological grounds. For a discussion of the other songtypes see Chrysoperla carnea.




This page has been updated on July 3, 2011
This site is online since May 31, 2005
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