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Dichochrysa flavifrons

Two subspecies are recognized: D. f. flavifrons and D. f. nigropunctata. Only the nominate subspecies occurs in Germany.

Original description

Synonymy of Dichochrysa flavifrons flavifrons:

Chrysopa flavifrons Brauer, 1850

Dichochrysa flavifrons (Brauer, 1850)
Dichochrysa flavifrons flavifrons (Brauer, 1850)
Anisochrysa flavifrons (Brauer, 1850)
Mallada flavifrons (Brauer, 1850)
Chrysopa lineolata McLachlan, 1880
Chrysopa gallica Lacroix, 1913
Chrysopa irenaea Navás, 1915
Chrysopa fiorina Navás, 1926

Chrysopa corsica auct. nec Hagen, 1864 (see note below)

Note: The original description of Chrysopa corsica from Corsica (France) suggests that it is a species of the genus Rexa (see Aspöck et al. (2001)). However, the type specimens appear to be confused: the specimens currently labelled as "types" are specimens of Dichochrysa flavifrons (see Aspöck et al. (2001). Thus, the identity of Chrysopa corsica requires the revision of the types.

Note: Navás described a number of doubtful species from northern Africa. These names cannot be assigned to species and thus are nomina dubia. According to the descriptions the following names probably refer to Dichochrysa flavifrons:
Chrysopa selenia Navás, 1912, Chrysopa ifranina Navás, 1935, Chrysopa irrorella Navás, 1935 (see Aspöck et al. (2001)). However, if this is correct, these names must refer to the African subspecies, Dichochrysa flavifrons nigropunctata, and are therefore not included in the synonymy of the nominate subspecies above.




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This site is online since May 31, 2005
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