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Micromus variegatus
Gesprenkelter Taghaft

Specimen photographed in Göttingen (Niedersachsen) on August 22, 2011.


Original description

Hemerobius aphidivorus Schrank, 1781 (nomen dubium; see note below)
Hemerobius variegatus Fabricius, 1793
Micromus variegatus (Fabricius, 1793)
Micromus pulchellus Nakahara, 1915

Note: the types of Hemerobius aphidivorus are lost, but based on the original description Aspöck et al. (2001) suggest that the name might refer to Micromus angulatus and regard it as a nomen dubium. I do not agree with this notion, because the original description by Schrank (1781) clearly states that the wings are white (meaning "transparent") and have larger and darker wing spots than all other species known to Schrank ("alis albis; maculis sparsis fuscis. Simillimus per omnia priori, nisi quod maculae majores obscuriores"). This description is more similar to Micromus variegatus and I include it in its synonymy. Nevertheless, this name is a nomen dubium and the valid name for the present species is Micromus variegatus.




This page has been updated on April 30, 2012
This site is online since May 31, 2005
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