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Sympherobius pygmaeus

Several subspecies have been described, but none of them is currently being considered as valid. In addition, several taxa described as separate species (e.g. luqueti) are currently in synonymy. However, this species is probably a complex of several cryptic sibling species and several of the names currently in synonymy might be resurrected when more work is done on the taxonomy of S. pygmaeus.

Original description

Mucropalpus pygmaeus Rambur, 1842
Sympherobius pygmaeus (Rambur, 1842)
Sympherobius pygmaeus pygmaeus (Rambur, 1842)
Hemerobius coccophagus Göszy, 1852 (nomen dubium)
Mucropalpus parvulus pallidus Costa, 1855
Micromus pumilio Stein, 1863
Sympherobius venosus Navás, 1908
Sympherobius conspersus Navás, 1908
Sympherobius gratiosus Navás, 1908 (unclear synonym)
Sympherobius lambereti Navás, 1910
Sympherobius pygmaeus lambereti (Navás, 1910)
Sympherobius bellus Navás, 1912
Sympherobius menendezi Navás, 1913
Sympherobius melanogaster Navás, 1915
Sympherobius fortini Lacroix, 1924
Nefasitus italicus Navás, 1932
Sympherobius laetus Steinmann, 1967
Sympherobius luqueti Leraut, 1991
Sympherobius pygmaeus alticolus Leraut, 1992

Note: Sympherobius gratiosus does not show any significant differences that separate it from Sympherobius pygmaeus. However, some authors list it as valid species, but do not specify the reasons for doing so; so the synonymic status of this taxon is currently unclear.

Note: The taxon
Hemerobius coccophagus, described from Austria, is a nomen dubium, but based on its description it is probably identical with Sympherobius pygmaeus (see Aspöck et al. (2001)).




This page has been updated on July 5, 2011
This site is online since May 31, 2005
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