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Mantispa styriaca


Original description

Raphidia styriaca Poda, 1761
Mantispa styriaca (Poda, 1761)
Raphidia mantispa Linnaeus, 1767
Mantis pagana Fabricius, 1775
Mantispa pagana (Fabricius, 1775)
Mantis pusilla Schrank, 1781 (nec Pallas, 1772)
Mantispa hauseri Poivre, 1982
Mantispa kononenkoi Makarkin, 1985

Note: the nominal Mantis perla Pallas, 1772 was probably based on specimens of the present species and thus it would be a synonym of the present species. However, the name "perla" is currently used for a Mantispa species that occurs in southern Europe and Asia minor. The name Mantispa perla is well established for this species and in order to ensure nomenclatural stability Aspöck et al. (2001) propose to ignore the possible synonymy, because no specimens of Pallas are available and the issue cannot be settled conclusively. I fully agree with this notion and do not include Mantis perla in the synonymy of Mantispa styriaca.

Note: the nominal Mantis brevicornis De Geer, 1778 (p. 620) is clearly a Mantispidae (evident from the figure given by De Geer), but cannot be identified more specifically using the description by De Geer (1778).  However, the description "thorace rugoso" ("thorax wrinkled") is a clear hint to Mantispa scabricollis McLachlan, 1875 (that does not occur in Germany). Thus, Mantis brevicornis is not included in the synonymy of the present species, and is regarded as a doubtful synonym of Mantispa scabricollis.




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This site is online since May 31, 2005
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