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Raphidia ophiopsis

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Several subspecies are recognized. However, some of these are regarded as separate species by some authors. Of these taxa, only the nominate form occurs in Germany.

Original description

Synonymy of Raphidia ophiopsis ophiopsis:

Raphidia ophiopsis Linnaeus, 1758
Raphidia ophiopsis ophiopsis Linnaeus, 1758
Rhaphidia ophiopsis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Raphidia ophiopsis fusciventris Costa, 1855 (unclear synonym)
Raphidia ophiopsis pallipes Costa, 1871 (nomen nudum, unclear synonym)
Raphidia granulifera Navás, 1923
Raphidia helvetica Steinmann, 1964
Raphidia barbata Bartos, 1965
Raphidia latiaperta Bartos, 1965
Raphidia megahypovalva Bartos, 1967
Raphidia aphiopsis auct. (lapsus)
Raphidia xanthostigma auct. nec Schummel, 1832 (misidentification)

Note: Raphidia ophiopsis fusciventris is a nomen dubium. No types are present and the description is insufficient for species identification; in addition, in the 19th century the name "Raphidia ophiopsis" has been in use for many Raphidioptera species, thus this variety might belong to any other European species. However, the description has probably been based on specimens collected in Poland (see Aspöck et al. 2001) and this would include the range of Raphidia ophiopsis ophiopsis.

Note: The name Raphidia ophiopsis pallipes has been used for a specimen from Montevergine (Italy). However, the name has been published without any description and is therefore a nomen nudum. The name may refer to any of the Italian species of Raphidioptera, but because Italy is also included in the range of
Raphidia ophiopsis ophiopsis it might be a synonym of Raphidia ophiopsis ophiopsis, as well.





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