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Phaeostigma notata

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No subspecies are recognized.

Original description

Raphidia notata Fabricius, 1781
Raphidia notata notata
Fabricius, 1781
Lesna notata (Fabricius, 1781)
Phaeostigma notata (Fabricius, 1781)
Raphidia megacephala Stephens, 1836
Raphidia media Burmeister, 1839
Raphidia angustata Ratzeburg, 1844
Raphidia laticeps Wallengren, 1871
Raphidia notata laticeps (Wallengren, 1871)
Raphidia notata aperta Navas, 1911
Erma abdita Navas, 1918
Raphidia notata nistori Marcu, 1937
Lesna navasi Steinmann, 1963
Lesna lestica Steinmann, 1963
Lesna stigmata
Steinmann, 1963
Raphidia stigmata (Steinmann, 1963)
Lesna laticaput Steinmann, 1963
Raphidia laticaput (Steinmann, 1963)
Navasana perumbrata Steinmann, 1963
Raphidia ophiopsis auct. nec Linnaeus, 1758





Specimen photographed in Frankfurt am Main (Hessen) on April 30, 2011.

Specimen photographed in Frankfurt am Main (Hessen, Germany) on April 30, 2011.

Detail of the pronotum/prothorax, showing the species typical hairs on pronotum and coxa/femur. Specimen photographed in Frankfurt am Main (Hessen, Germany) on April 30, 2011.

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This site is online since May 31, 2005
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