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Geophilus carpophagus

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Geophilus carpophagus Leach, 1815
Arthronomalus similis Newport, 1845
Scnipaeus sodalis Bergsoe et Meinert, 1866
Geophilus pachymeropus Eisen et Stuxberg, 1868
Geophilus luridus Meinert, 1870
Geophilus cavannae Fanzago, 1875
Geophilus condylogaster Latzel, 1880
Geophilus sedunensis Faes, 1902
Geophilus coryli Verhoeff, 1928
Aporophilus coryli (Verhoeff, 1928)

Note: the identity most of the taxa in this synonymy was unclear for a long time and they have been variously synonymized with diverse species or regarded as separate species. Bonato and Minelli (2014) have synonymized these names with Geophilus carpophagus and I follow this notion here.

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