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Reighardia sternae

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No subspecies are recognized.

Original description

Pentastomum sternae hirundinis Diesing, 1864
Reighardia sternae (Diesing, 1864) (see note below)
Reihgardia sternae (Diesing, 1864) (lapsus)
Pentastoma lari Megnin, 1883
Porocephalus lari (Megnin, 1883)
Pentastomum lari (Megnin, 1883) (lapsus)
Pentastoma laponica Vaney et Sambon, 1910 (nomen nudum attributed to "Megnin, 1881")
Squamofilaria macroovata Dubinina et Smogorzhevskaya, 1956 (nomen nudum attributed to "Serkowa, 1948")

Note: in the original description, the specimens have been reported from the tern Sterna hirundo, and therefore the original species epithet was the genitive of the full species name of the tern, namely "sternae hirundinis". The correct emended form of this species epithet would therefore be "sternaehirundinis", however the emendation "sternae" has been accepted as a justified emendation because it is in prevailing use.





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This site is online since May 31, 2005
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