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Oriolus oriolus
Golden Oriole

Male specimen. Specimen in the collection of the museum "Mensch und Natur", München (Bayern, Germany). Photographed on May 01, 2008. Published with kind permission by Museum Mensch und Natur, München.

Female specimen. Specimen in the collection of the Zoologisches Museum, Göttingen (Niedersachsen, Germany). Photographed and published with kind permission by Zoologisches Museum Göttingen.

Old male. Specimen in the collection of the Zoologisches Museum, Göttingen (Niedersachsen, Germany). Photographed and published with kind permission by Zoologisches Museum Göttingen.

This page has been updated on February 21, 2009
This site is online since May 31, 2005
Copyright © by Nikola-Michael Prpic. All rights reserved.