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Cyanistes cyanus
Azure Tit
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(1) Cyanistes cyanus cyanus (Pallas, 1770)
(2) Cyanistes cyanus berezowskii (Pleske, 1893)
(3) Cyanistes cyanus carruthersi (Hartert, 1917)
(4) Cyanistes cyanus flavipectus (Severtzov, 1873)
(5) Cyanistes cyanus hyperrhiphaeus Dementiev et Heptner, 1932
(6) Cyanistes cyanus kotkalensis Portenko, 1954 (koktalensis?)
(7) Cyanistes cyanus tianschanicus Menzbier, 1884
(8) Cyanistes cyanus yenisseensis (Buturlin, 1911)

The status of Cyanistes cyanus flavipectus (with carruthersi and berezowskii) is unclear. These taxa clearly differ from typical Cyanistes cyanus by the presence of yellow parts of the plumage. Some authors regard it as a separate species, but this is not supported by analyses of cytochrome b sequence similarity (Salzburger et al. 2002).

The status of hyperrhiphaeus is debated. Some authors regard it as identical with the nominate form; I provisionally retain it as a separate subspecies.

The strays that may reach Germany are of the nominate subspecies; the other subspecies occur in central and eastern Asia.

Synonymy of Cyanistes cyanus cyanus:

Parus cyanus Pallas, 1770
Parus cyanus cyanus Pallas, 1770
Cyanistes cyanus (Pallas, 1770)
Cyanistes cyanus cyanus (Pallas, 1770)
Parus pleskii (hybrid with Cyanistes caeruleus)

Note: for an explanation of the status of Parus and other (sub)genera, see Parus major.

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