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Huso huso
Great sturgeon

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The populations in the Sea of Azov, and those in the Black Sea have previously been regarded as separate subspecies. Currently, however, these are not generally recognized. I do not recognize subspecies here and list all names in the synonymy below.

Acipenser huso Linnaeus, 1758
Ichthyocolla huso (Linnaeus, 1758)
Huso huso (Linnaeus, 1758)
Huso huso huso (Linnaeus, 1758)
Acipenser beluga albula Forster, 1767 (p. 354)
Huso ichthyocolla Bonaparte, 1845 (or 1846?) (nomen nudum)
Acipenser vallisnerii Molin, 1853
Huso huso maeoticus Salnikov et Malyatskii, 1934
Huso huso ponticus Salnikov et Malyatskii, 1934
Huso huso ponticus occidentalis Salnikov et Malyatskii, 1934 (infrasubspecific)
Huso huso ponticus orientalis Salnikov et Malyatskii, 1934 (infrasubspecific)
Huso huso caspicus Babushkin, 1942
Huso huso caspicus curensis Babushkin, 1942 (infrasubspecific)
Huso huso orientalis Lelek, 1987 (making the name available)

Note: The name "Acipenser beluga" is often attributed to Forster (1767), but this name has never been described by Forster. He described "Acipenser Beluga f. Albula", but without describing a nominate form.

Note: The vernacular Russian name for the Spiny sturgeon Acipenser nudiventris is "Ship". This species occurs in the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea and its tributaries and has not been recorded from Germany. This vernacular name has found its way into scientific naming of sturgeons rather early. The earliest account is Acipenser shyp (as "Acipenser Shyp") by Forster (1767) (p. 353). However, most authors do not regard this name as a synonym of Acipenser nudiventris, but of Huso huso. This is probably incorrect, because the original description does not differ from the descriptions of the other sturgeon species known to Forster and thus the name cannot be attributed to any species. The definition reads "rostro elongato, acuminato, recto. Cirri 4 ante os" (rostrum elongated, pointed, straight, Four cirri before the mouth). This is identical to all other sturgeon species in his book except for "Acipenser Sturio". The only difference of "Acipenser Shyp" given by Forster is "carne minus sapido" (meat of inferior taste) which is not an objective character. Finally he adds "a me non visus" (not seen by me), which indicates that he wanted to describe the fish usually called "Ship" by local fishermen, but did not have a specimen, so he described the fish from his memory or based on descriptions from fishermen. Thus, I suggest that the name Acipenser shyp should be regarded as a nomen dubium and probably a synonym of Acipenser nudiventris.

Acipenser schypa Gmelin, 1789 (p. 1484) is another attempt to adopt the vernacular name "Ship" for scientific nomenclature, but this name is often also placed in the synonymy of Huso huso, not in the synonymy of Acipenser nudiventris. This is probably incorrect, as well. It must be noted that Gmelin misidentified most of the species of his genus Acipenser. He describes "Acipenser Schypa" with "rostro obtuso" (i.e. blunt rostrum), but this does neither apply to Huso huso nor to Acipenser nudiventris, both having a pointed rostrum. Gmelin also lists a "Acipenser Huso", but this cannot be Huso huso as understood today, because he writes: "rostro obtusissimo" (rostrum totally blunt) and "labiis integris" (lips undivided), which does not apply to Huso huso. The name "Acipenser Schypa" as used by Gmelin, probably refers to Acipenser gueldenstaedtii or Acipenser persicus (not recorded from Germany). "Acipenser Sturio" appears to be identified correctly by Gmelin, but "Acipenser ruthenus" and "Acipenser stellatus" are described as "labiis integris" (undivided lips), which is not the case in true Acipenser ruthenus and Acipenser stellatus. All these names in Gmelins book are therefore dubious.

Additional English names: Beluga sturgeon.

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