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Belone bellone

Specimen photographed in Fiskebäckskil (Lysekil, Sweden) on July 07, 2008. Specimen caught by Ralf Janssen, photographed with permission.

Specimens photographed in Fiskebäckskil (Lysekil, Sweden) on July 07, 2008. Specimens caught by Ralf Janssen, photographed with permission.

Some authors recognize three subspecies of this species. However, I agree with Mees (1962) that the differences between these taxa are not geographical or otherwise genetic, but are differences of age and developmental stage. Thus, I do not recognize any subspecies here and list them in the synonymy below.

Original description

Esox bellone Linnaeus, 1758
Belone bellone (Linnaeus, 1758)
Belone bellone bellone (Linnaeus, 1758)
Esox belone Linnaeus, 1761
Belone belone (Linnaeus, 1761)
Belone belone belone (Linnaeus, 1761)
Belona belone (Linnaeus, 1761) (misspelling of genus name)
Hemiramphus belone (Linnaeus, 1761)
Hemiramphus belone belone (Linnaeus, 1761)
Sphyraena acus La Cepède 1802-1803 (unclear synonym)
Belone acus Risso, 1826 (unavailable name?)
Belone belone acus (Risso, 1826)
Belone vulgaris Fleming, 1828
Belone rostrata Faber, 1829
Hemiramphus europaeus Yarrell, 1837
Belone gracilis Lowe, 1839
Belone belone gracilis (Lowe, 1839)
Hemiramphus balticus Horschuch, 1843
Hemiramphus behnii Van der Hoeven (in Hornschuch et Van der Hoeven), 1843
Belone undecimradiata Budge, 1848
Hemiramphus obtusus Couch, 1848
Belone linnei Malm, 1866 (unavailable name?)
Belone euxini Günther, 1866
Belone belone euxini (Günther, 1866)
Belone cornidii Günther, 1866

Most authors use the epithet "belone" accredited to Linnaeus, 1761. However, the original description of this species is found in Linnaeus, 1758 and is sufficient to identify this species. I do not see any reason why this 1758 description should not be accepted as valid. However, the epithet in the 1758 description is spelled "Bellone". Irrespective of this being an error or not, I follow here the first reviser (Mees 1962) who accepts the 1758 spelling as the valid spelling.




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