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Monhystera paludicola

Monhystera rivularis Bastian, 1865 (unclear synonym) (nomen oblitum)
Monhystera paludicola de Man, 1881
Monhystera annulifera Daday, 1905

Note: Monhystera rivularis is a doubtful species, known only from the inadequate original description. Andrassy (see Andrassy (2005)) has suggested that Monhystera rivularis was a specimen of the species now known as Monhystera paludicola, but was uneasy to include it in the synonymy, because it would then be the senior name. I fully agree with Andrassy (2005) and list it here as an unclear synonym of Monhystera paludicola. In addition, I regard Monhystera as a nomen oblitum that should not be used for the present species, even if  more evidence for the synonymy should become available.

This page has been updated on June 22, 2011
This site is online since May 31, 2005
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