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Procerodes littoralis

No subspecies are recognized.

Original description
Hirudo littoralis Stroem, 1768
Procerodes littoralis (Stroem, 1768)
Planaria littoralis (Stroem, 1768)
Fovia littoralis (Stroem, 1768)
Planaria ulvae Oersted, 1843
Procerodes ulvae (Oersted, 1843)
Gunda ulvae (Oersted, 1843)
Neoplana ulvae (Oersted, 1843)
Procerodes wheatlandi Girard, 1850
Planaria cornuta Dalyell, 1853 (unclear synonym)
Planaria frequens Leidy, 1855 (unclear synonym)
Gunda graffi Boehmig, 1893

Note: The taxon Procerodes solowetzkiana Sabussow, 1900, described from the Russian White Sea, cannot be identified on the basis of the description and the whereabouts of the type material are unknown. However, some authors suggest that it may be identical with the present species.

This page has been updated on March 29, 2013
This site is online since May 31, 2005
Copyright © by Nikola-Michael Prpic-Schäper. All rights reserved.

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