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Plagiorhynchus odhneri


Original description
Lundström, 1942

Plagiorhynchus crassicollis auct. nec Villot, 1875 (a misidentification)
Plagiorhynchus odhneri Lundström, 1942
Plagiorhynchus crassicollis odhneri (Lundström, 1942)

The species status of P. odhneri is debated. It is very similar to P. crassicollis and many authors regard it as a junior synonym. However, subtle differences appear to exist (Dimitrova 2009) and I regard it as a bona species until further work on the status of P. odhneri is available.


The species has often been confused or synonymized with P. crassicollis and its distribution is therefore unclear. Reports of P. odhneri exist for UK, Sweden, Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria. There is no record yet from Germany, but since this species has frequenty been confused with P. crassicollis that has a similar host spectrum and distribution, it is highly likely that P. odhneri has been overlooked in Germany so far.

Lives as a parasite in the intestines of birds. Known from Charadrius hiaticula, Charadrius dubius, Charadrius alexandrinus, Haematopus ostralegus. It seems to have a similar host spectrum as P. crassicollis and often birds are infected with both species at the same time.

This page has been updated on August 27, 2010
This site is online since May 31, 2005
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