Neuphilologisches Institut
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Oliver M. Traxel
SS 15
Tu 8-10
Room: HS 6
Bookmarks for Corpus-Based Linguists
Extensive link collection by David Lee (University of Wollongong).
Corpora in CoRD
Comprehensive survey of various corpora at the Corpus Research Database.
British National Corpus
100 million words of British English from the 1980s to 1993.
British National Corpus (network information)
The BNC can also be accessed at the University Library.
British National Corpus (BYU site)
Mark Davies at Brigham Young University hosts a specific interface for the BNC.
Phrases in English (PIE)
Interface for studying words and phrases up to eight words taken from the BNC.
Corpus of Contemporary American English (BYU site)
450 million words of American English from 1990-2012.
Time Magazine Corpus (BYU site)
100 million words of American English from the Time Magazine spanning the years 1923-2006.
Corpus of Global Web-Based English (BYU site)
1.9 billion words from 20 English-speaking countries.
Wikipedia Corpus (BYU site)
1.9 billion words from 4.4 million articles on Wikipedia.
International Corpus of English
Various international corpora of spoken and written English.
International Corpus of English without GB (network information)
Non-British ICE Corpora; restricted availability in the University Library.
International Corpus of English: The British Component (network information)
British ICE Corpus; restricted availability in the University Library.
WebCorp Live
Interface focussing on the usage of the world wide web as a corpus.
International Dialects of English Archive
Large collection of voice recordings by various speakers of English.
Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English (MICASE)
Almost 1.8 million words of transcribed speech from the University of Michigan; also contains sound files.
SCOTS Corpus
400 million words of Scottish English, Scots and Gaelic; includes 800,000 words of spoken text.
ICAME Collection of English Language Corpora (network information)
CD-ROM containing 18 corpora with 14 million words; restricted availability in the University Library.
KWIC Concordance
Freely available software for examining textual corpora.
Freely available software for examining textual corpora.
Corpus Presenter
Freely available software for examining textual corpora.
Software for constructing and examining parsed corpora.
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