Seminar für Englische Philologie
Universität Göttingen


WS 08/09
Wd 14-16, Medienraum
Oliver M. Traxel


Here you find the suggested course schedule for this semester.

Session Date Dialect Text
1. 15.10. Introduction, Schedule, Distribution of Presentations  
2. 22.10. OE: Early West Saxon Alfred's Preface to the Cura Pastoralis
3. 29.10. OE: Late West Saxon Ælfric on the Old Testament
4. 5.11. OE: Kentish Codex Aureus Inscription & Charters
5. 12.11. OE: Mercian Rushworth Gloss & Vespasian Hymns
6. 19.11. OE: Northumbrian Durham Gloss & Three Poems
7. 26.11. ME: Northern Cursor Mundi
8. 3.12. ME: East Midland Bestiary
9. 10.12. ME: West Midland Katherine Group
10. 17.12. ME: South Western The Owl and the Nightingale
11. 7.1. ME: South Eastern Ayenbite of Inwyt
12. 14.1. ME: London Chaucer & Royal Warrant
13. 21.1. Middle Scots Gavin Douglas, Aeneid
14. 28.1. Discussion of Course Work  

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