Seminar für Englische Philologie
Universität Göttingen
Here you find what you need to do in order to pass this course:
Each student is required to give a presentation (ca. 25-30 mins.). Contents and distribution will be announced in Session 1. Please send all handouts (not more than two pages) to me by e-mail two days before the presentation so that I can check them. You are to incorporate any commentaries and upload your handout to Stud IP before your presentation.
Note all problems and questions for discussion in class.
B.EP.11b, M.EP.02b-L, M.EP.05b: Piece of coursework to be handed in by 21 February 2011.
M.EP.02b: Final exam on 17 February 2011; length: 120 mins.
Regular participation and preparation as well as commitment in class. This may be taken into account when calculating the final mark.
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