Institut für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft
Technische Universität Darmstadt


Oliver M. Traxel

SS 12
Th 11:40-13:10

Room: S103/123


Here you find the suggested course schedule. Some minor variation may occur. Each student is to prepare the respective sections in our textbook Hartwig Eckert and William Barry, The Phonetics and Phonology of English Pronunciation: A Coursebook with CD-ROM, 2nd. ed. (Trier, 2005).

Session Date Topic Textbook
1. 12.4. Introduction  
2. 19.4. Sound Examples ch. III (pp. 9-35)
3. 26.4. Consonants I chs. IV.1-IV.2.2 (pp. 36-56)
4. 3.5. Consonants II chs. IV.2.3-IV.3.2 (pp. 57-81)
5. 10.5. Consonants III chs. IV.3.3-IV.3.7 (pp. 82-104)
  17.5. Ascension Thursday, no class  
6. 24.5. Vowels I chs. V.1-V.2.4 (pp. 105-125)
7. 31.5. Vowels II chs. V.2.5-V.2.9 (pp. 126-147)
  7.6. Corpus Christi, no class  
8. 14.6. Diphthongs ch. V.3 (pp. 148-175)
9. 21.6. Putting Sounds Together I chs. VI.1-VI.2 (pp. 176-202)
10. 28.6. Putting Sounds Together II chs. VI.2-VI.4 (pp. 202-227)
11. 5.7. Morphophonology; Foreign Words; Extralinguistic Sounds chs. VII-IX (pp. 228-249)
12. 12.7. Final Exam  

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