Seminar für Englische Philologie
Universität Göttingen
Here you find what you need to do in order to pass this course:
Each student group (there will be groups of two) is required to give a short presentation (ca.15 minutes). The distribution of presentations will take place in Session 1. The basis of these presentations is indicated in the Schedule and the Bibliography. Please send all handouts (not more than two pages) to me by e-mail two days before the presentation so that I can check them (except for Session 2, since this is too early). You are to incorporate any commentaries and upload your handout to Stud IP before your presentation. You are also required to give a very brief summary of the lines leading up to the passage scheduled to be translated in class (no handout). You may consult a translation for this summary.
Prepare the indicated passages in the textbook G. Jack, ed., Beowulf: a Student Edition (Oxford, 1994). We will translate these into German. You may consult a translation of the indicated passages so that we can discuss these even if we do not manage to translate everything in class. Note all problems and questions you may have for
You are advised to consult further publications for more information. Here you can find a Bibliography with further publications.
Final examination a week after the last session on Th 24 July 2008:
BA-Module 9b (60 mins. + 60 mins. separate Vorlesungs-Klausur), 14:00-16:00 in ZHG 006.
Zwischenprüfung (240 mins.), Sa 26 July 2008, 9:00-13:00 in ZHG 009.
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