Englisches Seminar
Universität Münster


WS 05/06
Mo 11-13, Room 032
Oliver M. Traxel


Here you find the suggested course schedule for this semester. Some variation may be possible depending on the progress of the class.
All students are required to prepare the relevant texts and translations from the text collection before each session. You will be tested!

Session Date Topic
1. 17.10. Structure of the Seminar; Introduction
2. 24.10. Old English History, Phonology, Orthography
3. 31.10. Old English Palaeography, Morphology, Syntax
4. 7.11. Old English Lexicology, Literature, Translation
5. 14.11. Translation and Analysis
6. 21.11. Translation and Analysis
7. 28.11. Translation and Analysis
8. 5.12. Translation and Analysis
9. 12.12. Translation and Analysis
10. 19.12. Translation and Analysis
11. 9.1. Translation and Analysis
12. 16.1. Translation and Analysis
13. 23.1. Translation and Analysis
14. 30.1. The Final Continuation of the Peterborough Chronicle
15. 6.2. Preparation for Coursework; Choice of Texts

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